Friday, November 19, 2010

What would we have to do to end Daylight Savings Time?

Changing the clocks twice a year messes with our productivity. People are late to work, people are sleepy etc. Great that they wanted to save candles hundreds of years ago, but it's a completely outdated practice. How can we stop it?What would we have to do to end Daylight Savings Time?
You may want to take your direction from the ';End Daylight Savings Time'; campaign (see link to web site below).

Unfortunately, things appear to be moving in the other direction as an amendment to an energy bill passed by Congress in Aug. 2005, Daylight Saving time will be extended by about a month. Beginning in 2007, Daylight Saving Time will begin on the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November.

The sad reality is that both sides in this argument have mired it down with exageration and statistics which cannot be verified. As a result, no rational argument can find a foothold.What would we have to do to end Daylight Savings Time?
The only way to stop it is for your state legislature to pass a law to end its observance in your state. To do that, the voters of your state would have to vote people into office that would pass such a law.
petition the goverment and conggeressmen
i think the state is arizona that does not have to change their time... move to arizona.
The benefits of DST is that it saves energy on producing electricity for the lights. More daylight hours means less energy use and save natural resources on the long term.

Yes, Arizona does not change to DST because we get plenty of daylight hours.

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