Friday, November 19, 2010

How do you feel about bums who get free social security checks from the taxes of hard working people?

Thats what the democrats want. Why do the Democrats want to tax hard working people to death and continue to give away free money as social security checks to bums and unemployed people and not trying hard enough to get these people jobs so they could at least contribute to society in any way? I have a cousin who is 26, he has no job, he is schizophrenic, all he does is spend every penny he gets from the government that decent hard working people have to pay as extra taxes and all he does is buy more and more cigarettes to continue his addiction thats killing him. Republicans would make them get a job, or your on your own. Thats how it should be. There are a lot of people that dont want to have to work to make money, so they vote for a Democrat to get free welfare checks and keep everyone else from moving up where they belong and not stuck in the same place. The Democrats are like give em another chance and another chance and another and another and another, and if you still dont get it, I'll be nice and give you free welfare and make your life happier and make it a better place for gangs and criminals to keep the benifits while the upper class is stuck from moving up any more. The Republicans are like this is what you deserve and deal with it! I wont give you any more chances!

How do you feel about this? Do you agree???How do you feel about bums who get free social security checks from the taxes of hard working people?
vote them OUT How do you feel about bums who get free social security checks from the taxes of hard working people?
Do you know what Social Security is?

It's not welfare.

Edit: It's important to use the correct words when you rant. Otherwise you come off as more of an imbecile than you actually may be.
People who had mental health issues in the past were institutionalized, is that what you want us to return to?(one flew over the cuckoo's nest)

If there is a chance someone could have a normal life, why not....

I do have a problem with the drug addicted being called disabled and receiving section 8 housing money and ssi checks, (ssi checks are basicly welfare checks as far as I am concerned) And (you do not need to pay into Social security to get SSI) the postman needs to watch out on check day! you have any clue what your talking about?? You only get a Social Security check if you have PAID INTO SOCIAL SECURITY - that means its your money - your retirement savings

You only get unemeployment payment if you have contributed enough Working quarters to qualify and have paid into , by basically your taxes (so again its your money) and you only get it if you are actively looking for work


The character of a country, nation or people is not is not determined by how it treats the best of its poeple, but how it treats the worst or lowest of its people
I worked hard for Social Security, It is no different that any retirement plan, are you saying after working for 30-40 years and paying retirement you consider it a hand out from the government? If you are talking about SSI which provides for the disabled. would you rather see them starve to death on the streets, that money barely pays for ,basic survival and if some abuse it there are millions who don't. If. God Forbid, you are ever unable to work due to an accident or serious medical condition you will change your mind.Remember the Democrat plan will decrease taxes for 95% of the families in America and the Republicans have been taxing me to death for the last 8 years.
';Are there no prisons? no workhouses?';

I hope that this Christmas you get visited by 3 spirits. The ghosts of Christmas past present future.

Perhaps you should be thankful you have something to offer and are not in need. I complained all my life that I have to pay for everyone else, abolish the income tax, get your government hand out of my pocket, etc.

I was wrong. We're all in this together. I thought I was the last person to ever say this but it really does take a village. We have to help each other.

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