Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How will the work environment be with a black guy working for asians?

I applied at an asian grocery store that just opened because I saw few black people working there. But how is it like for a black person working for asians. I never worked with asians as the higher ups. Will they be racists? Will they not give us pay on certain holidays or force us work them?

I been inside an asian business before and they love to give black people the stink eye like they are guilty of something. Should I just decline if they ask for an interview?How will the work environment be with a black guy working for asians?
Alot better than it is to work for the others!

Especially in the automotive manufacturing companies. I worked for Asians, and whites in the field, but my experience with Asians were much more pleasant. As a matter of fact, they treat everyone with the same courtesy. They even dress in uniform like the people in production, because they don't want people to get the impression, that they think that they are better than the production workers. Which is one factor in why they make better products.How will the work environment be with a black guy working for asians?
just go do the job, if they treat you like sh*t, quit. you can't go making judgments about all asians until you have met all asians.
My brother has...

Free lunch with at least 30 minutes break.

Bonus every year.

They feed their employees and encourage them through bonuses.

But on the other hand, they leave the responsibility of work ethics up to the employee (no badgering), if he fails, he only gets one warning.
normal as every other stores
so by your logic ya really can't work for anyone save other black folks, i guess you're screwed eh?
You got it made , If your have any problems with these people its their fault , because all ready your thinking racist........and that how it goes in America.
WOW.....your already thinking racist if you didnt know.
no chance buddy

all black people do is stick to their welfare cheques and pull the race card once in a while

Plus, no one hires you. If you have a criminal record.

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