Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to deal with immature people at work?


I work in a company where the employees don't have enough to do and are bored. Recently, I have learned that they were making fun of something that I said behind my back. I know I shouldn't take it personally but, it really pisses me off. Has anyone else had any experiences like this? If so, what have they done about it? (besides anything stupid like go postal) I think I will just end up ignoring it but, I'm curious about how other people have dealt with it.How to deal with immature people at work?
Who hasn't gone through this? If you have enough in you, then I think you need to let these people know that you are aware they are talking behind your back and you don't appreciate that. It will go through your place of employment that you caught wind of it, but this will die down and the next time they will think twice about talking behind your back (since they were caught the first time). Don't let this go unnoticed.How to deal with immature people at work?
Just ignore it, you have more of a life outside of work, dont give in to the drama at work its really not worth the headache.
Talk to your manager. Make a report and If they don't stop call the police.

u either ignore it, or confront it.

theres really no other options.
Ignore them as much as possible, but the only time that you should deal with is something that has to do with work and nothing else. However if something bothers that much pull your immediate supervisor aside or talk to someone over in HR about the problem. In a way you want to make points with your immediate supervisor or HR. Don't tell anyone that you are doing but keep a list of what people are doing and over time then present this list of what people are doing which usually tends to their demise from the company because their are screwing around and back stabbing people way too much.

Had the same problem with the job that I was just at before being let go due to company wide lay offs.
Just ignore's all you can do really. Or unless you're of the more bold type and when you know they are talking about you say, ';Gosh that was hilarious wasn't it! I can't even believe I said it'; I bet they'll stop then.

Don't go to the those visits for raises and emergencies.
I drop a ground up horse laxative in there coffee when they're not looking.
either ignore it, or be immature back just to piss them off....and if all else fails, then hit them with a fish....
have a sense of humor about it, Next time offer up some silly thing that you've done or said. Say, hey, this should be good for a few days laughter, the other day I did/said............... Then they know you are aware of what they are doing and not only does it not upset you, you think it's halarious! It just takes wind right out of the situation. They really are being immature, just don't let it show that you are pissed off no matter how much you want to climb a bell tower with an ak47!

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