Sunday, November 14, 2010

How long will American working people continue to tolerate the disasterous fall in their living standards?

that has occurred in the past generation with the massive wealth redistribution upward despite gains in productivity?鈥?/a>How long will American working people continue to tolerate the disasterous fall in their living standards?
2/3rds of the income gains between 2000-2005 were in the top 1% wealth bracket.

90% of Americans received 12% of the income gains in that period.鈥?/a>

The system is broken. The gap between rich and poor is growing and the middle class is eroding.How long will American working people continue to tolerate the disasterous fall in their living standards?
I suggest you take a trip to a country like Mexico and you'll see just how good our so called '; poor people's '; living standards are. God bless.
Until they demand the abolition of the federal reserve and the end of fiat currency federal tax indentured servitude.

I know you probably dislike what I say all the time because I'm a capitalist but take note we haven't ever had a free market capitalist society in the U.S. just corporatism.
Yes because life was just so much more awesome twenty years ago.
You're right damn-it, we need to stop this 0bama bastard in his tracks !

The waste ,escalating power grab and impending over taxation will only further deteriorate our standard of living.

Less government , lower taxes and personal responsibility is the only answer !

Death to social entitlements .
bush told you to go out and spend like mad in 2003, to help pay for rhat corporate war, that he wanted

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