Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why do people on welfare eat better than I do?

I worked as a cashier for many years and typically people that come in and but things with the food stamp card are buying steak, soda, frozen lasagna, pizza, and snacks. And rarely do they clip coupons, probably cause they are lazy and love to spend working people's tax money. How come, I am a hard working mother that has to eat ramen for lunch? How come, I have to clip coupons like crazy and buy hamburger in bulk to save money? How come I NEVER can afford to buy steak? How come because I work and don't sit on my fat lazy butt all day do I have to suffer? Oh, and I don't qualify for financial aide to go to college either. Guess I have to stop working to qualify for any assistance. Then we wonder why our economy is so bad......Why do people on welfare eat better than I do?
One of the biggest problems in America today. People like you working their tails off to get ahead while others get it for free. Welfare reform is needed, people have started relying on it as a way to maintain their life, not as a tool to get back on their feet which is what it was originally intended for.Why do people on welfare eat better than I do?
Many of them have 4 or 5 kids at home, all with different daddies. The more babies, the more food stamps, the bigger the check.
For that one week, they may do so. It is an allotted amount of money for the entire month. Perhaps they saved up so they could have the steaks on day out of the month. Once they are out of money on their card, they too will be eating ramen noodles.

Interesting that you are criticizing the food choices of poor people while Corporate Welfare costs you 5 times more than does social welfare....and they are buying jets, giving themselves million dollar bonuses, and traveling around the country for luxurious 'business' meetings at resort hotels.
good question, i remember trying to stretch $20 a week sometimes, calculating thru the store as i shopped.

but to answer, apparently there's few limits on food stamps. and they can buy whatever including seafood. only limit i know of is they can't buy food already prepared.
You are now a second class citizen.
It's not really fair. People on welfare get free medication and end up getting scripts for $500 worth of oxycontin which they'll turn around and sell on the streets. They get free dental, etc. and I can't afford to get a cavity fixed :/
Instead of being so concerned about what poor people are eating and how much of your tax dollars are helping them, you should be questioning what Obama is going to do with your tax dollars! Sure there are people who abuse the welfare system, but there are also people who really do need the assistance. Just like there are politicians who abuse their power. Food Stamps are based on your income, family size, how many working adults in the household and if there is anyone in the household that is disabled.You have no idea what those families situations are, therefore you should not be so judgmental.

That tattoo on your shoulder could've bought a couple steaks, shrimp and maybe even some lobster! Didn't think about that one, huh?

Uh, yeah I get that you worked for your money to buy your tatts. You're absolutely right you spend your money on what you want, that's why you're not eating steak; but those are some nice tattoos! You obviously prefer a tattoo over steak!
That is a problem. Too many departments with too many employees in government that nobody in govenment knows what the other is doing. So they have created a system maze. Welfare is like a ';right'; even when employers are crying for workers - they can't get them because ';welfare pays better';. Landlords don't care - they get paid. It is a guaranteed income.

What is lost is the ';pride'; that comes with working and earning a living. Leeching off others is now OK. The answer is not so simple. It is a mindset that has to be changed.
well angela,some of us have known this for years.year after year.they grow up in it.and they spend there life in it.there not accountable to any one.all though they are supposed to these people will benifit even more with this so called stimulis package.there at a point now where they think they are entitled to it.the democrate party is a give away party.that is how they buy there votes.with the power they hold now.look out.this president has already spent more money in one month than any other president has least bush kept us safe that a lot of ingrates think was no big deal.well every eye will open this year.he can only blame bush so long.GOD help us.
i am so sorry what the first person said. there is nothing wrong with plus size women. i think you should report that person
And are you trying to say they all are like that. You don't know that they don't work too and maybe that is why they have extra money. You know you can and in many states ar erequired to work full time and still get welfare and foodstamps.

I really think you should shut your hole before you talk and make hasty generalizations. I am a single mom as well and I bust my butt more than you probably ever have. I am on assistance, but I have FT nursing school, PT work and I volunteer in a hospital PT. I have worked since I was legally able to and have not stopped working since except for a year when my son was born, which half of that time I was still with the father. I do clip coupons, I do pinch pennies, I don't buy all that fancy stuff, I do buy all generic. So listen to me honey, close your mouth and look around. i am sure you focused on all the negative because you are bitter, but relax everyone isn't like that.

Oh and by the way, statistically speaking, most food stamp recipients run out of foodstamps by the 2nd or 3rd week of te month and have to rely on food banks. The only places where this doesn't happen is states that provide an outrageous amount, which is usually as a reward for working, such as how Nevada does it. Also, many states give you double foodstamps when you get off welfare cash aid regardless of how much money you make because it is an incentive to get off and stay with this being said, those people do deserve to buy what they please because they are too, as you are, working hard for their money.
I just stopped by in hopes of getting a better look at that tat on your shoulder


Some people on Welfare are leaches. My Ex has threatened to get on just so she can tell people I forced her to.

She's the one that cheated and left.

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