Sunday, November 21, 2010

How comfortable are you with these people surrounding President Obama?

Some of the President’s Men

(All of the below is in the sited article, but not in the order I’ve presented.)

Van Jones – “The mainstream white polluters and the mainstream white environmentalists wound up collaborating to put all the poisons in the black community, in the Latino community, in the poor communities. The toxic dumps started moving in one direction — not in my backyard.”

Jeff Jones - Weather Underground founder and chairs the Apollo Alliance in New York — the same Apollo Alliance (The Apollo Alliance — a progressive, George Soros-funded, extreme left-wing organization. Harry Reid admitted to the nation — no, actually, he thanked the Apollo Alliance for their help.) that wrote the stimulus package. Harry Reid's own words: ';This legislation is the first step in building a clean energy economy that creates jobs.... The Apollo Alliance has been an important factor in helping us develop and execute a strategy that makes great progress on these goals and in motivating the public to support them.'; Starting with the anti-Vietnam War movement in the 1960s, and my opposition to segregation and racism, I have also been attacked. Because of my work with the New York State Apollo Alliance and my history of political activism,.'; ';I grew up in a Quaker, pacifist family. I was opposed to war, and registered with my draft board as a conscientious objector. But the promise of America for me was marred by segregation, and by a criminal war waged by my government against the people of Vietnam. So, as a teenager and young adult, I dedicated myself to supporting civil rights and opposing racism, and to ending the illegal and genocidal Vietnam War. I was personally enriched by participating in those movements and by the people I met, worked with, and loved in those years. This is what I mean when I say that I do not regret my militant opposition to racism and the Vietnam War. That said, like most people my age, I made my share of mistakes.'; ';Today, I am using the organizing skills and insights I learned from those movements in my work as a consultant for environmental and labor groups. One is the New York State Apollo Alliance, an affiliate of National Apollo. Apollo is working toward a goal that is simple and straight-forward: create good jobs for working people in the new clean-energy economy. That is a goal I support, and work I continue to do.'; actually writing our policies and who is advising the governor of New York.

William Ayers Underground founder. And in education — infecting young minds with his radicalism as a professor at the University of Illinois. said in an interview that ran on September 11, 2001 in The New York Times that he wished he would've done more.

Remember the Weather Underground bombed the Pentagon and police stations among other things, not to stop the war in Vietnam, but to collapse the American system. These were people who came right from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Whenever you see that word ';democratic'; and it's coming from a group of '60s radicals: run for your life! Literally. That's code for Marxism and communism.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven - The pair said the best way to bring about the change they sought was to get everyone on welfare, so that the system would eventually collapse under its own weight

Wade Rathke with ACORN; his brother Dale is at SEIU embezzled almost $1 million.

— Watch ';Glenn Beck'; weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on FOX News Channel,2933,5524…How comfortable are you with these people surrounding President Obama?
I am not comfortable with this President or any of his men or women.How comfortable are you with these people surrounding President Obama?
I wouldn't feel comfortable with them babysitting a plastic fern, much less charging them with the responsibility to do whatever it is they are supposedly supposed to do as unelected tyrants while they are paid for by tax-payers.
More comfortable than with the crony's of the previous administration....

Or don't you remember the failures of 9/11 and Katrina?
Why did you leave out his 2 biggest problems , Pelosi and Reid?
Jeremiah Wright is the most infamous as far as I'm concerned. Either Obama didn't notice what Wright was saying for 20 YEARS or he agreed with the bigotry coming out of that man's mouth!

Those who voted for him apparently don't care that he continued to sit in those pews for 20 years -- or that ACORN was registering the same voters over and over again -- or that he spent an abhorrent amount of money on his campaign despite promises to take public financing. I suppose the same goes for the recent outburst against the cop for responding to a burglary report. Obama's first reaction was exactly what he learned in Wright's pews!


';Wade Rathke with ACORN; his brother Dale is at SEIU embezzled almost $1 million.';

It's amazing to me that Obama has been able to embezzled far more than Rathkes--he's embezzled so many of the voting public's minds.

By the way, did you see Glenn Beck talk about the video called ';The Right Stuff';? by a lady with the last name of Leonard that's being shown apparently in schools?

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