My wife has been left with a large belly after giving birth to our daughter nearly 2 years ago. She looks like she is 5 months pregnant still. Stretch marks as well. She has tried many things to get rid of it but nothing seems to work. People often ask her if she is pregnant. I know this bothers her and I want her to feel good about herself again.How do you get rid of a ';mommy belly';?
Exercise is the only way to get rid of ';mommy Belly';. Get her p90x, it really works! If she doesn't like to exercise, tummy tuck is the second best solution.How do you get rid of a ';mommy belly';?
well sorry to break it to ya, but stretch marks will fade with time, but never go away. what exactly has she tried to get rid of the belly? does she work out? diet? was she bigger to begin with (before she got pregnant)? after you have a baby, your heartrate, metabolism, everything changes and it is usually harder to lose weight than before you had a baby. she needs lots of encouragement and if shes serious about getting in shape, maybe the 2 of you could get a gym membership together. chances of success at a gym are like 80% higher if you have a workout partner.
I'm not a physician, but based on your description of things it sounds like the only remedy would be plastic surgery.
There may be other methods to help the appearance such as undergarments that hold things a certain way, but of course the belly will still be there.
She should ask her physician, perhaps the OBGYN if she goes to one regularly, or even the pediatrician, who will have at least a basic working knowledge of plastic surgery. Or you could consult with a plastic surgeon. Some of them will do a consult at no cost.
Her abdominal muscles might still be separated. Has she tried doing postpartum crunches? This is done like a regular crunch, except instead of putting her hands on her shoulders or behind her head or whatever, she will cross her arms over her midsection and place her hands on the sides of her belly, pushing them together slightly with every crunch. This will cause the gap between her abdominal muscles to close.
Doing exercise for the belly would definitely help. It is the key.
Another thing, I saw this with my own eyes, there was this woman with the same issue as your wife and she went to a massage therapist. She massaged the lady for a long time and the skin seemed to take its old place just by massaging it.
But I would go with the exercises if I had that problem, and I know I will one day :)
well there is always getting out as a family and going on evening or morning walks together as a family.. then there are exerces that she can look up to do with your toddler... then there is sex.. it is amazing how many calories you can burn in 15 minutes of sex.. good luck and i hope that she is able to feel good about herself again.
i recommend, only if you had normal birth and not had Caesarean section to do p90x. its really good. and youll look amazing in 3 months, just start the videos and do only the ones you can doo. youll see the difference in a month. i did...
The stretch marks will never go away completely but she's definitely not alone in the mommy belly department. If she hasn't gone this route already, maybe she'd consider pilates. Combined with a healthy diet, the mommy paunch should diminish itself significantly.
she should not be looking 5 months pregnant.She needs to go see a Dr to make sure everything is ok. But if everything is fine i would advise her to start doing situps or crunches everyday. If you have money get a tummy tuck
bio-oil work amazing for stretch marks. and as far and the mommy bump encourage her to go on walks or work out and let her know you will do it with her to make her feel better
maybe she could excersise alot and eat healthy. they have lotion for stretch marks.
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