Sunday, November 21, 2010

Am I bitter about people saying women earn more ?

I just cannot see how they do when you compare people that are similar.

If you add up all of the earnings men earn more but that includes the older men who benefited from sexism.

Also you compare a plumber working 60 hours a week to a receptionist working 20 and say that men earn more.

Considering the education required to be a plumber and the time spent working to become qualified and the hours worked. Say the plumber takes home 1200 and the receptionist 400.

They would say men earn more than women. But here, women are earning more than men.

She needed - no education. only works 20 hours a week. and does almost no work.

He needed - 5 year apprenticeship (where I come from) 60 hours a week and hard labor with education required to be a plumber (TAFE).

If anything we should be reporting that the plumber is underpaid.

For example.

When I was a student for the longest time I couldn't get a job. When I did it was in retail and the pay was low. (I lived off government grants).

My flat mate as sexy young female got a job as a bartender. She could walk in anywhere and get a job, because she is a good looking woman.

She earned usually 26 an hour plus anything from extra TIPs.

I was earning nothing.

Her earnings would be compared to that of fulltime working people, when in reality they should have been compared to me. As we were in a similar situation. Both students.

Yet she will be compared to a plumber. Her TIP income not recorded and they'll use that to say women earn less.

Then when I get into the work force. They see a big strong man with a degree and they want to put me into a project management role.

There is a little bit of sexism - maybe they'd be more likely to put me into management because of the perception of tall men. MAYBE.

But isn't it time that there was a little bit of sexism that BENEFITED young men.

I mean - if you are a young man from a poor family this world is a lot harder on you than it is on a young woman from a poor family.Am I bitter about people saying women earn more ?
You are not comparing apples to apples. Women typically earn less than men when you compare the two working for the same positions. Young men have benefited for years in a number of different categories and women and minorities are now playing catch up.Am I bitter about people saying women earn more ?
i believe there is a good deal of insight in what you are saying.
nothing justifies sexism you are being selfish.
This isn't tricky:

Your gf was earning a lot of money because she was WORKING.

You were earning nothing because... *gasp* you WERE'NT WORKING.

I'm not going ask why you couldn't find a job (the reason doesn't really matter) but that's probably the reason right there why you were living off of government grants.

Secondly, you compare a plumber and a receptionist. Did you pass seventh grade science? That isn't a fair expiriement if more than the variable you are testing is different.

You can't compare two different jobs! So... a woman working at the SAME exact job as a man will be paid as much as 15 percent on average less.

And THAT don't exactly fly with us, feminists.

Thank you for asking this.
nice try! You try waiting tables for minimum wage or washing dirty old butts for only $2 more than minimum wage and see how unfair it really is. I raised my kids waiting tables and working in nursing homes while my ex got away with paying $250 a month while earnng $2500 a week, after I put him through college to become a sheet metal worker.

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