this is my opinion on this....
i think that mexicans are hard working people that would come to the US LEGALLY if they wer aloud too but most mexicans that you see here had to come to the US as a last minute change for the need of $ and survival of thyr fanilies.ive gone to MEx and i hate how their gov is ran, they have no control. and coming into a country wer your rights are being given to you just for the sole cause of bring a human being is a great positive change,,,,, mexicans aint steeling no ones jobs if illegal mexicans can get jobs so can any other person especially US citizents 4 havin higher education so stealing jobs isnt the problem another thing to look at is how many mexican homeless do u see in the strees? how mwny white people do you see in the streets? the problem with this is that a mexican will do any kind of work 4 lil $ but others just tink its easy to go and beg 4 $.....
ok now not being able to learn english... is another BIG subject. i met people who have been here for many years and dont speack a word in english and i met people that had few or no yrs here ans speak english or try to speack english now wats the problem with this? that many cant afford english clases. that many have children a job house work and a husban to look after....well we can use the internet or a book right? who is going to practice with us? i understand that the US cant just open the borders because thats just plain stuped. but why so much discrimination and hate to a race.
i love the USA of course there is few things i dnt like about it but who tinks the USA ia perfect? i dont... but i wouldnt love to live in a different place than this
please answer politelly i mean u can support ure side but dnt be rude about the topic.Why do people hate mexicans so much?
i dont hate mexicans as long as they're respectful and hard working, and most of the ones i have met were. its america though, it doesnt matter how hard a mexican works or how respectful they are, if they're illegal, americans are goin to hate them no matter what which i think is stupid. personally, im asian american and we value respect and hard work so i appreciate it if i see it and mexicans do their jobs well. my parents agree they tae the worse jobs but do it well without complaining which is what i can respect. but its these other american azzholes that'll look down on u for being an illegal mexican which pisses me offWhy do people hate mexicans so much?
i hate them cuz they all cut in the lunch line like 20 people at a time!! and they steal the three spots at that one table.. i like the dude who be selling mangos an slushies on the street. he's cool.
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Well I am mexican, tambien, and well we are all-around people, we adapt to everything and are very good at any practice we try, tambien. Quiza, its the jealousy of the American People who cant stand such great ability to adapt and gain all these strengths that really prevent America from falling in the lower unseen shadows of the area.
I live in American where Mexicans do the hating, maybe if they stopped hating they would be less hated, it's a shockingly simple concept. And what do your people have against obeying laws anyway? Just because someone works hard doesn't give them the right to crap all over another country.
they dont hate mexicans, besides the fact that people have false fears of those ';swine flu';
and mexican cartels linking those illegals to u.s. and mexico
which is probably true to the cartel part
cuz theyre awesome %26amp; people are jealous.
%26amp; im not even mexican, im finnish.
I don't.....
Ever notice the Mexicans that claim they are hated are the ones breaking all the laws? Coincidence, I think not. Maybe people hate law breakers.
Mexicans that work hard and come the legal way are hated no more than anyone else. Maybe they just don't realize people hate law breakers.
Where I live, the Mexicans are some the single most racist people by far, what goes around comes around.
I don't see much hatred of Mexicans.
Having said that, I don't have much appreciation for those who can't be bothered to come here legally, learn english or pay the same taxes we do. And, sorry, but I don't buy the bit about illegals not taking jobs. Illegals that take jobs not only keep another person unemployed, but also reduce the willingness of business to pay a fair wage and benefits to the rest of us.
When I was young, Mexicans in general were some of the hardest working people, but today, they do not seem to be harder workers than the rest of society. (I guess that's one way of blending in with the rest of our lazy population.)
I don't hate Mexicans.
the U.S.A. allows more immigrants into it's nation than almost any other country on earth. The majority of the immigrants apporved are from Mexico. There is NO excuse for some moron to piss on the U.S.A.'s laws and illegal immigrate the lazy way. That's just rude and disrrespctful to the U.S.A. citizens and all the legal immigrants that did things the right way.
Of course people that came the illegal way are going to rationalize why they broke the law, but you'll have to forgive us if we aren't buying all the bull.
Im mexican and my parents were born here and i was born here. I just have a problem with them not learning english. It would be ok but then they yell at me for not knowing spanish!...Im in america and don't need or want to learn spanish. I would never go to mexico and yell at someone for not knowing english.
samcro is pretty much right, I'm half mexican, my mom came illegally but my dads white and I look white too because my moms skin is lighter than most but newayz...Immigration is very friendly in America but whats going on is yes these poor, very desperate people are coming to our country but their coming ILLEGALLY, with no records, no proof of identity, not paying taxes and funding the state, all these things are problems and sometimes dangerous to the citizens that are here already. I do feel bad for illegals and they go through very hard lives but America is founded on certain orders or laws of the land and if your ignoring them its going to hurt our country and our security. One thing that I see too is that the mexican people are strong with their cultures and I dont necessarily think thats a bad thing but it prevents them from really adapting to being americans and fitting in. These things will change as well as the kids go to american schools and learn the language and they have kids etc but its really going to change our culture the more that illegals come in and its at a pretty fast rate. I dont think we should have to change our languages for them either rather they take a lot of time and effort to learn our language and respect our country even if its at a slow pace. BTW if it wasnt for my mom crossing illegally I wouldnt be here typing right now but its kind of just a fact and what I can see is going on.
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