Sunday, November 14, 2010

How do you handle rude people?

I am 17 weeks pregnant and I am sporting a baby bump. I am only carrying one baby. At work people come up to me and aske me if I am having twins or say I look 7 months pregant. I even had someone call me chubby. I am not chuby. I was average weight before pregnancy, and my arms and legs are tiny, I have only gained weight in the belly. But still how can people be so inconsiderate? How do you handle people like this, without coming of b*tchy. There is even a lady at my work who is 22 weeks pregnant who is not showing nearly as much as me, and she even makes comments like you better watch what you eat. I do watch what I eat for the most part, eat fruits and veggies everyday. Sure I might satisfy a craving here and there but who doesn't? I am just a little shocked with the lack of manners peole have.How do you handle rude people?
Someone asked me if I was having twins with my son when I was only 20wks and when I said ';no'; they said ';wow, your awefully big for just 1 in there';

I said ';oh I how many are you having?'; (she was obviously not pregnant but I wanted to let herk now how rude and stupid she was).

Get rude right back and if they dont like it, tough!How do you handle rude people?
be rude right back to them
f*ck em.

just concentrate on having a beautiful, healthy baby.
Give them a kick up the ****
just ignore them who cares wut those biatches think maybe your son is big and he will be really tall and be in the NBA and make u zillions of dollars!!
Dont give them the pleasure......just say thanks and walk away...their opinions dont what you want it's your life....Good Luck!!
Rude people are often mental people who should be asked if they have taken their medication recently!
I'd prolly say something like...

';Thanks....I think I'll put that in my compliments book.'; :)
tell them your a street fighter, and they are just swellings. then beat their a$$
Tell them, shhh hhhuttt yuuhhh muuuhh
Well, as long as their not your boss be passive aggressive. If they say

';wow you look heavy'; say somethinh along the lines of ';yah im almost as heavy as you.';
you could be nice and just walk away, but i would probably ***** them out and maybe slap them, especially if you suffer from morning sickness

good luck.
Just Laugh at what they are saying. Don't take them seriously, dont even find what they are saying is important to you.

So what? You have a bump. That means your baby is doing well.
people can be *******. if you are healthy and your dr. thinks youre healthy, then grub it up cuz youre eating for 2 :)

just tell them how far along you are and if they try to tell you what to do to better yourself, then tell them you kno whow to take care of yourself just fine.
People are just rude. All pregnancies are different. Please dont take these rude comments to heart. Just try to ignore them, think happy thoughts!
don't think about what they say think positive i'm a twin so my mom's stomach was really big and she found out on April fools day so don't worry about the negitive
peoples insensitivity is shocking. You would think they would know better. Pregnant women are more emotional anyways without people coming up to them and telling them how ';chubby'; they are. I would just walk away from them.

EDIT: you could also ask them if they would be so quick to tell you how ';chubby'; you are after the baby is born, then say, ';if not then what makes you think it's ok now.';
Get used to it, people don't think when they speak.

I assume people that are rude are just jealous.
tell those people that u don`t have time 4 them and if they have something 2 say about u then maybe their just a little jealuse their not having a baby!!!!!!o and if they have a problem with your weight maybe their just a little insecure about themselves
dont listen to them everyone is different just be strong and dont let them get to you. Good Luck!
A while ago, before I started working out, several people kept coming up to me and saying, ';when is your baby due?'; (I wasn't pregnant by the way.) These weren't just people at work. I'm talking about total strangers. People are just rude period. There's not much you can do about it. Unless you want to fight everyone, you probably should just ignore them or give them the ';You're a complete idiot'; look.
Well you could always go with, I'm showing because people who are thin before preganancy show quicker!

That one gets them. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop people from being rude, espceially women in the office. I don't know why that is, but it is. You could also respond by saying, ';My doctor say's I am perfectly healthy, so I think I'll take his lead on this one. Thanks!';

Good Luck and i';m sorry you have to deal with such.... well, you know!

Just smile at them and say ';Thanks so much for your opinion now you have a nice day.'; don't stoop to their level hun.

I've been there, by 16 weeks I had a HUGE bump, but then I DID have twins but still - I wanted to slap people when I was 5 months and people would say ';any day now huh?'; So I feel your pain, but really don't let people get to you sweetie..and don't compare yourself to anyone else (like your co-worker) we're all different honey. She may blow up like a balloon at the very end, some people do that.

Congrats %26amp; good luck with the lil one..
well i know its hard not to be bitchy but sometimes you have to. See me sister is 3 months and she is showing a little and once some called her fat and she told them well why don't u carry around a baby for 9 months and see if u ont get fat to and that person showed her respect
some people look bigger than normal. it is fine it does depend on the persons body type. I would just look at them if it is a female and r u jealous that i am having a baby and your not. and if it is a guy i would say oh r u mad that im not having your baby. i would just come up with some smarta s s remark to make them feel like crap. of course if you dont want to do that then you could always just say why are you making fun of me being pregnant isnt my body under enough stress I dont need someone making me more stressed by picking on me for getting bigger.
I know where your coming from. I was a waitress while I was pregnant and complete strangers would just rub my belly. They would make comments like your going to pop any day now and things like that. I was actually carrying twins, but I still found it very rude. I had my twins by c-section at 33 weeks and at that time I couldn't find maternity wear to fit me properly. If I hadn't I them then I was going to resort to sewing sheets together to cover myself.
it is unbelievable how many people are rude to those who are pregnant....all you need to know it that everyone carries their babies different...i embraced my bumb and love wearing my maternity clothes or tighter shirst to show off my bump....people would tell me everyday how huge i was...i just told them that yes there was only one, and that i was super excited to have him out....i wasnt rude back..i laughed it off...i watched what i ate, but ya know i have a small torso and i had a big baby w/ extra fluid in my belly so that made me look huge....i just think the way to handle is to laugh and be like well.....the ultrasound only showed one, but i guess you never know, huh? and just walk off....thats about all i did and people pretty much got the pt!
well everyone carries there weight different.Since you have been skinny before pregnancy everyone thinks you have blown up ,Which is not true.Tell them that that I;m happy trhe way I look and move on.
i think your hormones have taken over you and it is indeed you with the issue, dont take it the wrong way but with being pregnant it pretty much automatically gives other people the right to make comments. Its part of life, they dont mean to be rude and im sure would be pretty upset if they knew they had offended you.

you need to take it a little more light heartedly as it is meant. I too ballooned pretty much early on in pregnancy and went through all the comments and i would nod and agree that theyre may be another one hiding in there, its all part of the fun of being pregnant!

congratulations by the way
Sounds like youre getting a little touchy. Just laugh it off with them. Joke it away. If they say you are having twins then say that maybe you will get some funding for them from somewhere and that free money is always good money. If they say that you look 7 months then tell them maybe you are part elephant. It takes an elephant 2 years to give birth. Make jokes about it. If they see that you are laughing about it it won't be as funny to them and they may stop. You have to get used to the name calling. My brother, who I get along with really well, used to call me Hindi. Like the Hindenburg balloon. He eh? I told him he was a brat and that was that. No biggie. We laughed it off. You can't let it get to you. It will be over in a few months is all. Don't worry. They're probably just enjoying your fat time.

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