Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do Some People Believe in Global Warming Like Some Believe in Ghosts?

No doubt that some people believe ghost are real because that's what they believe. The mind is a wonderful thing that can make reality what ever it feels comfortable with.

So is this how global warming works? People believe it's getting warmer, so they start to actually feel warmer? For them the warming is real even though no one else feels it.

Would anyone who believe in ';global warming'; could use objective facts to show that two years in a row we would have fewer than average hurricanes or that Chicago would set new low temps two years in a row? How is this consistent with ';global warming';.Do Some People Believe in Global Warming Like Some Believe in Ghosts?
';Mr Jello - You're describing weather, not climate. Year to year things jump around. But the long term trend is clear. This graph shows both those things nicely.';




i guess we're back to weather and climate being different again today........

i wonder what changes more unpredictably, the weather/climate? or the excuses?Do Some People Believe in Global Warming Like Some Believe in Ghosts?
Try checking some weather stats. Pretty much only ostriches and Bush babies don't believe in global warming if they actually bother looking into it.
Global Warming doesn't just mean the earth is getting warmer it also means that while some areas get warmer ex: north and south poles, other areas get cooler ex: Chicago and Texas
I believe in global warming like I believe in ghosts. I don't understand how people can live so comfortably when the world is melting every second. Pretend maybe the world isn't melting. Sure it would cost alot to all the people who thought the world was melting, and we might never trust those people. But what if the world is really ending.There will be no turning back.You can't ignore the facts. They'll come to you in some way.Would you rather be angry at those people? Or die with the world?
What are you going to tell us in 10 years ? that there was never such a thing as an arctic icecap ?

I agree, that might work, as you will always be able to fool some people.
Your comparison of believing in global warming as being comparable to believing in ghosts is flawed, irrational and insulting.

Repeatedly via this forum you've attempted to ramrod home your own ';questionable'; views on global warming. You define what one of the key problems with this environmental issue is -- we need to move past the term ';global warming'; and start addressing the sweeping environmental damage that is being done as ';climate change';.

One of the problems of moving forward the exchange of ideas on this is that we have ';ideological anchors'; like yourself dragging the process down.

Even this current administration -- as crippled as they are when it comes to thinking about the environment -- has come to accept that humanity is having a very serious and very negative impact on the planet.

This is backed by sound, verifiable and supportable proof. All drafted by respected and legitimate institutions. That can't be said by the ';ghost hunter'; communities out there.
%26lt;%26lt;The mind is a wonderful thing that can make reality what ever it feels comfortable with.%26gt;%26gt;

yes. one time, someone said, ';don't feel too sorry for folks in mental institutions. they've created a reality, generally to their liking.';

on the other hand, standing in the middle of the freeway, ';to feel the breeze of the cars going by generally does not lead to a good outcome';.

%26lt;%26lt;People believe it's getting warmer, so they start to actually feel warmer?%26gt;%26gt;

ah, no. i don't feel warmer. but i can read.

%26lt;%26lt;Greenland lost roughly 164 cubic miles of ice from April 2004 to April 2006 (more than the volume of water in Lake Erie), while the loss between 2002 to 2004 was of 57 cubic miles.%26gt;%26gt;

Lake Erie volume: 116 cubic miles

the energy that caused that ice melt is enough to raise the temperature of lake Erie from freezing, to boiling.


That's warming, on a global scale.

when that much ice melts, the temperature doesn't change.

0 degree ice, and 0 degree water, are the same temperature.

but what too many people don't realize is the implication of all the energy that the earth is absorbing, and storing.

which will, in the fairly near future, become far more obvious, when there is insufficient ice remaining to absorb all that energy.

then you'll see heating.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

i always find it interesting when people claim ';to do their own research';.

did they go out and physically record temperatures for 5-10-20 years?

did they go out and measure precipitation in the Rockies for a similar period?

OR, did they log on to CO2science, and take Exxon's numbers?

I'm betting the latter.

and assuming an appropriate amount of credibility.

what i don't understand, and really would like to is, when the independent science is quite consistent, and the folks who say otherwise have a clear economic interest in denying warming, why would people follow them?

do they have lots of Exxon stock?

are they being paid to post straw-man arguments?

do they think that $1 saved today won't have to be paid back with interest tomorrow?

really, i don't know.

and i'd appreciate it if someone would enlighten me.
Did u just ask this question 2 annoy us even more?
Mr Jello - You're describing weather, not climate.

Weather is the short term events. Climate is the pattern of events over a long time. The desert has a dry climate. That doesn't mean it never rains.

Year to year the weather jumps around. But the long term climate trend is clear. This graph shows both those things nicely.鈥?/a>
From your question, it sounds like you believe that as a result of global warming there should be more hurricanes and that Chicago should not set new low temperatures. Where does this certainty of yours on the possible effects of global warming, which you say you don't believe in anyway, come from?

Anyway, I am sure there are people who believe in global warming simply because a bunch of people who have really strong credentials told them it is happening. But why is it that you prefer to believe people who have no formal training in climate dynamics when they tell you it is not?

There is this wonderful quote from the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court concerning tax evaders. They said:

';Some people believe with great fervor preposterous things that just happen to coincide with their self-interest.';

You kind of fall into that category. But I am a realist, no amount of personal sacrifice will solve climate change. You have my permission to not change your lifestyle one bit. But if you would educate yourself a little you wouldn't come off as so retarded. Trust me, I'm here to help.

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