Sunday, December 11, 2011

How can we accomplish taking our country back, it's ours, not theirs, they work for us, we don't work for them?

For years now I have been thinking, '; If every working, taxpaying citizen chose a day and stopped working,shopping,purchasing any thing with a tax on it on the same day. It might take two days or a whole week.. My point is, in 1 days, how much of our money is stolen from us in taxes. The revenue of all the working people in and of the US is a very large #. I realize we do have to pay for some things to keep maintained in this country, but this is robbery. Anyway, it would take alot, as many as possible to do this and get the govt attention. but I think it would work. We, as a working people are the very heart and backbone of this whole country... what am I missing? I know I am not the first person to think of this? And why won't everybody stick together, just one time, we will win, I know we would... All the people that would arrest us, would stand with us....How can we accomplish taking our country back, it's ours, not theirs, they work for us, we don't work for them?
All we can do is vote them out. Especially Reid, Pelosi, and the others who are forcing this health care monstrosity down our throats. I already have insurance and hope to keep it. I feel sorry for the people who will be forced to buy health insurance even if they don't want to.How can we accomplish taking our country back, it's ours, not theirs, they work for us, we don't work for them?
First and foremost - Vote. And that doesn't mean just national elections, that means getting out there and taking the time to vote in local and state elections.
Because not every one thinks likes you or even have the same opinion. You can try and some several other people but I really doubt that the other 300 million Citizens are actually going to do it.

If you do it. Then you might get fired for not working and you might starve since your not going to have money to buy food and survive.
We have national holidays where people do not work. The government doesn't break down because of them. You are thinking like the government is a business. It isn't. The government does not rely on customers, the government imposes it's will on us. The government does not rely on a balanced budget, it does not care if it doesn't have the income to cover it's spending. So all sitting home from work one day will do is cost you a days pay.

Assuming that the government did care about our tax income. And, assuming that your plan did cut into their funds, then the government would just raise taxes on us to make up for their losses.

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