Sunday, December 11, 2011

Going back to work after having a baby? I just started last week, and I don't know if I can take it!?

My baby is 3 months old, and I had to go back to work last week. It was HORRIBLE. I just started at this new job, which is why I wouldn't want to lose it, but I don't know if I can stand being away from my baby for such long periods of time everyday. Plus, I breastfeed full-time, so I've also been getting used to pumping at work. Everytime I pump, I think of my baby and of how I should be there feeding him. I miss him and his smile sooooo much.

Anyway, I was extremely depressed last week, thinking he would forget all about me and start to care more for those who take care of him during the daytime when I'm at work. People (including my mom) keep telling me that a baby will never forget his mommy, but I can't help but feel that I'm losing him. I don't want to miss out on anything, and I want him to always love me the most!!!

How do I cope with my separation anxiety? Have any of you been through this, and how have your babies turned out??? Do they still love you the same?Going back to work after having a baby? I just started last week, and I don't know if I can take it!?
I had to go back to work when my son was 2 months old. It was awful, and I fealt so guilty. Worst of all, I taught music classes to babies and their rich stay-at-home mommies. I plotted and plotted to figure out how to be a stay-at-home mom, but it wasn't a fincancial possibilty for me. I decided to teach public school, and it wasn't until there that a wise woman told me, ';It is not bad for your baby to know that other people love him.'; I made that my mantra for awhile, and know I know that it's true. I also have a little girl now (22 months old, my son is now 5 years) and I no longer feel guilty about work. I think it's good that my kids know that women are important in the work force, too. My kids are funny, and creative, and well-behaved. (But I'm sure everyone thinks that about their kids!) They have turned out just fine! And no one is more important to them then their Mommy. Even when they were tiny babies, they knew when mommy came home.

PS. I'm so glad you are pumping. I did that also with both of my kids. Sitting in the closet during my lunch break was not the easiest thing, but it's one special thing I gave to my kids in their first year. And coming home and putting them right to the breast helped ease my guilt.

Good luck, it will get better.Going back to work after having a baby? I just started last week, and I don't know if I can take it!?
u only going to work.....that's it.

Unless u going somewhere for 5 years, then yes,, he is not going to see u, but if u come back home from work, then he still see u every day.

Stop going crazy, he is fine.

U need to think about yourself sometimes, if u working it's not stopping u from thinking of him, just don't panic about it.

U his mommy and he will love u forever!!!

Stop that!!!
is there any way at all that you would be able to financially cope without working? it sounds like you really need to be with your baby rght now, for both of you. and even if you cant, of course your baby will love you just as much! dont ever think that he wouldnt, and he will not forget you. good luck i really hope everything works out. x
i wen back to work fulltime right around the same time as you, kind of same situation breastfeeding, pumping 3 times a day on all breaks at work, i missssed him soo much however my mom was caring for him thank god! that helped me not worry about seperation anxiety as went away for the most part although i have pictures of him on my desk and and sometimes i just gaze at them lost in space missing him soooo much...... but i call my mom on breaks she puts the phone on speaker and i talk to him... and spend alot of time with him when i get home and on the weekends.. it will get better.. he is now 7 1/2 months old and i feel he still loves me bunches.. i always get a huge smile when he sees me.. when i go to pick him up!
It really does get a little easier with time, and they still will love you the most and never forget you!

I have 4 kids who are all teenagers and twenties now, but I worked with them all, and we've always had good relationships with each other . And I breastfed them all, and pumped at work, which is a hard thing to do, but so worth it if you can do it!

Sometimes going to work can even be a break, and give you the mental rest to deal with the unbelievably hard, but rewarding, job of parenting. Your child will benefit from relationships with others, too.

Best of luck to you.
That is a very understandable intake after having a child. A lot of people go through that. Expecially if it's your first. I would continue to work. Eventually it will get better for you or if not, I would talk to your O.B. about it. Your baby is going to love you the same and may even love you more. If your gone all day and come home to your child after not seeing them all day, they're gonna be extactic to see you! Keep your head up hun things will get better!
If you really need to work, don't let other people make you feel guilty. Of course there is a shock when you have to give up that all-day closeness with the new baby, but you will get used to it and the baby will love you just as much. If you are breastfeeding, the closeness will continue, in quality if not in quantity. You are not losing him, you are really doing this for him. Children have adored their working mothers for many many generations. He will turn out fine, and you will be an excellent role model for him.
i think we all feel this way if we have to face this. when i went back to work i cried and cried too. i cried before i went back in anticipation. my son is 2 now (i also just had another and will be going back to work again in a month) and, trust me, he knows who i am. he has fun with the babysitter but he knows she's not his mom. and, yes, it does concern me that he cannot help but take a lot of influence from her since he spends a lot of time with her. that's why it is important to communicate your expectations and desires that you have to the person caring for your child. let me tell you, as my son got older and more interactive with people, he would do things like, get really excited and dance around when i got home from work. he gives me hugs and kisses all the time. and knowing that he does have fun with the sitter makes me feel better that he's not upset missing me all day. i don't want that, even though i miss him. he and i definitely have a special bond. he's truly a momma's boy, even though i work. it still upsets me. i still wish (and always will) that i could stay home and if we could figure out a way to do that, i know my husband would support that in a heartbeat. but it does get easier and he won't forget you.
I have a 4month old and i work as well. Its definitely hard to work because you think your going to miss out on stuff and there going to forget you but it wont's how i know he wont forget you.when i get home from work and shes sleeping as soon as she hears my voice she wakes up.and when shes crying and know one can get her to stop and when i hold her she always does.wait till this happens to you then you'll,you want your baby to be around others. you don't want your baby to be not able to cope with out you that will be a lot harder to deal with.
You are obviously not happy with going back to work. Quit your job and stay at home with the baby. The most valuable thing you can give your child is yourself. And yes, you don't want to miss all the firsts! Stay at home at least until your baby is a year old. It might be easier for you to go back to work then. I have a 3 month old baby girl and I couldn't imagine being away from her for that long every day. Do what feels right to you.
It will take some time to get used to the fact that u have to be away, but he will not love you any less...and he will always know his Mommy by smell, and touch no one will make him feel as happy as Mommy, don't worry you'll be ok..its tough at first but you will be that much better with him when you're with him...because you will know the sacrifices you are making for him to have a better life, not everyone is afforded the luxury of being a stay at home Mom, don't listen to some of these posts telling u to just stay home..nobody knows your financial situation but you. Also there are soo many stay at home Moms that don't appreciate the fact that they can do that and always complain about their kids...makes me sick..especially because like you I would love to b able to be there 24/7....but it will get easier don't worry

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