Sunday, December 11, 2011

Because of my ';Eating issues'; I find it hard getting to know new people?

Im okay for talking to people in everyday situations such as Customers at work, People at my local Gym, Random people you chatter to in shops...

I guess that's because they aren't there for long and i don't have to keep up any sort of on going conversation and i don't have to ';Get to know them'; or let them get to know me.

I wouldn't say i am shy, i am rather confident and i usually make a good first impression.

Its 2nd and 3rd impressions that i have trouble with!

I just have a hard time getting know someone in a long term basis. Whether it's a friendship or a relationship.

I just have this belief that in time sooner or later the person in question is going to find things they don't like about me.

I have ended relationships because of this - iv'e never had a real relationship! My record is 3 weeks.

I don't feel as though i fit in with ';Normal'; people. Im a bit of a gym addict, i have my routine and i get really anxious if its disrupted by anything.

I am very particular about food and what i eat and i will admit i am rather obsessed with my body shape.

I don't like to refer to myself as ';Anorexic'; because im not teeny tiny but people tell me im under weight but i disagree.

Anyway - These are things i imagine people will find irritating about me.

Especially when you consider most social activities involve eating and drinking.

I know that i should let people decide for themselves whether or not they like me rather than just assuming they'll hate me.

But i think the reason i dont give them a chance is because i cant imagine how upset i'd be if they said i was irritating, weird, obsessed............ what ever else they can come up with.

But at the same time - i want to change all this.

Im missing out on meeting people and having any sort of fun.Because of my ';Eating issues'; I find it hard getting to know new people?
In general pple have respect for those who respect themselves. Sounds like you do. Just stop worrying about what pple will find out those things are hardly deal breakers. Everyone has these things and they are generally overlooked by an attractive personality. Have some confidence dont be afraid, be yourself.Because of my ';Eating issues'; I find it hard getting to know new people?
Get therapy. It sounds like you might have OCD or something like it, and no one here on Answers can really help you. Also, anorexic women come in all shapes and sizes.... some are larger than others.
get over it kmopfsdnfjnds
first of all, just be yourself. Second, so what if you have a rigorous work out routine. Some people will actually respect you for that, if they don't respect the fact that you like to stick to your routine, then maybe they're not worth keeping as friends. And third, you can still go out to eat and drink, look at online menus and nutrition info so you can stick to your ';diet plan'; but still be social.

How can I make lazy people work in groups for projects?


I am very ticked off...

For my whole life, I have been the ONLY person doing projects. Everyone else in my assigned groups would jack off and not care. They even interrupt, and I can only speak about three times for 50 minutes...

This year, I am in groups again. There are four people in my group (including me). I am doing the powerpoint, while they are supposed to do the paragraphs (5 total). The three should also revise these paragraphs during class.

Everyone brought their paragraphs to class yesterday. One person did two paragraphs, one did one, and one did the opening+closing paragraph. I typed them up on the computer for 10 minutes, and revised them (even though they were supposed to do that). Today, I came into class, and they did not do anything. We were supposed to revise together, but instead they wanted to make chipmunk voices. I told all of them that one of them needs to take this essay and revive it more to fit the rubric (we were 350 words below the limit), and no one wanted to. I gave it to one of them, and he just dropped it on the floor and said he was not going to type it all over again (even though it would take 15 minutes) and revise it to fit the rubric limits. Also, the concluding paragraph was only two sentences.

Since no one grabbed the sheet, I had to... My parents hate bad grades, so I have to do the classmates work. However, it is not as simple as this. I have to make a powerpoint, which would take about 5 hours of my time to do.

How can I deal with people who don't want to work?How can I make lazy people work in groups for projects?
That sucks. I always hated group work too.

When my teachers assigned groups, there was always a warning that - we all had to participate and do our part. The teacher would ask us each to do anonymous evaluations of our teammates, and if one of us had bad remarks, it would be ';investigated'; and that person would either get no credit for the work done, or minimal credit or have to do their own project.

My teachers also encouraged us to talk to them in the event we had issues with a group member.

Maybe you can express your concerns to your teacher - don't rat out your members, but just tell the teacher that you think that group work is not always ideal because usually one or two people are stuck with majority of the work. But also express that you realize teamwork is important there has got to be a better way in terms of point distribution.

Unfortunately, no matter what safeguards a teacher has in place, you are always going to have a lazy team member - it is a harsh precursor to real life. There are going to be tons of lazy coworkers out there that you have to basically chip in for. But don't worry - your hard work will always be rewarded, and the lazy ones, well, they always get what's coming to them!

How can I get the people I work with to respect my office more?

I'm very big on respect. Respecting others, respecting property and respecting space like offices. Well I have my own office at work and a few occasions the people I work with (i work in a dental office) barge in like they own the place. I want them to respect my office! lol

So my question is, how do I get them to respect my office? How can I decorate it? Just how?

Thanks to all who reply, I appreciate it.How can I get the people I work with to respect my office more?
Does it bother you because they are interrupting you, or just on principal? Are you close to them, and they are treating you like a friend? Or are you not close and they are just barging in because they don't like/respect you? Usually a closed door means ';knock'; regardless. I would find a cute sign that says, ';Knock, please.'; Or you could just confront them as they do it. Or speak out in a meeting. Be assertive. If your office locks, try locking it while you're in, until they get used to knocking.

I would say for decorating, the more professional you go, the more people will respect you. Having a desk cluttered in junk, with tons of personal pictures won't help. A pic or two of family or friends, hang up an official document or nice, office friendly picture. Keep it warm with some curtains, and chairs for sitting. Warm, but professional. Without seeing more or knowing more about you I couldn't give more advice.How can I get the people I work with to respect my office more?
People who respect other have respect from others.

It has nothing to do with how your office is decorated. I would include chairs for other members of the Office to sit in and join you.
Neat, clean, contemporary office furnishings. Maybe a decorative sign that says ';respect';. Most of all, your attitude toward others determines how they will treat both you and your space. But it seams like you know that. Good Luck!
If your business allows it:

Shut the door and put up a sign that says ';Please knock before entering!';

Is it ok to de-friend people in Facebook?

So I am a little anxious about what people can see/find on me on the internet in general and Facebook in particular. I am trying to limit how much information makes it into the public sphere. So in doing so, I decided to go through my facebook and de-friend a bunch of ';friends';. My Facebook was starting to look like my highschool yearbook, with a few work people, family and a few other acquaintances mixed in.

I also remove posts, mine and others', some time after their relevance. I don't really want others who may not know the context of the conversation to read and bother me weeks later about something that is done and over.

All that said, is there an ettiquite or other protocol to follow? I have had a couple people, who spend way too much time on FB, come to or my wife complaining that ';he doesn't like me anymore?!'; I'm like, if someone were my friend before FB, they're still my friend. If you're my friend in RL, why cant you call or text me to say what's up? I understand the whole interconnection and community aspect that draws people closer, but seriously, are we sharing too much information? Is it unreasonable to ask for some arms length on some of what's said online? Has anyone else gone through similar stuff?Is it ok to de-friend people in Facebook?
Seems like it's your page - do what you want...Is it ok to de-friend people in Facebook?
If you disconnect, they won't know right away, until they actively try to write on your wall. You also have the option of hiding their comments from your wall, if that's all you want to do: they'll still be your friend. They could still bug you in person. The etiquette would be the same as, I would think, changing your phone number and not telling someone who had the old one and who used it, or moving from your apartment and not telling someone who used to visit. 驴Eh?

I have a buddy who knew my email address. The only way he kept in touch was to put me on a mailing list and send me daily jokes and mailings like ';forward this to 50 friends';. I asked him to take me off the mailing list. It hurt his feelings, and he has never sent an email again. So, that's the risk.
It is OK to make your own rules. Don't let others make you do things that make you uncomfortable.


On the flip side don't impose your rules on others.
You can just leave facebook

It's so unfair, how come some people are born with natural beauty, but people like me are butt ugly?

ok, so yeh, when i was younger, i wouldn't give a **** about the way i looked, but as i got older, i began to get more self concious. Now that i'm 15, i HATE the way i look, seriously. My face is wayyy too long and so is my nose, it's long, thin and bumpy. I dont think i have one good feature, well maybe my teeth, but even they were because of braces. I know this may sound sorta vain and stupid wanting to be pretty, but i just cant ignore the way i look. I've never been called pretty in my life before (other than family members). Before, i used to like getting my photo taken, but now i hate it, i even hate looking in the mirror every morning. So i decided to make myself a better person personality wise, after all, people say that beauty comes from the inside, but even that doesn't work. People just seem to take advantage of me, telling me to do things for them etc. I was talking to these two girls and when i was walking off i heard one on them say 'aww..she's so nice....but it's a shame she hasn't got looks' then both of them started giggling. Sometimes i wonder why me? Why did i have to be soo ugly? My mum's really pretty and my dad's average lookin, so i don't get it. Plus, i have a friend whos really pretty, mainly because of her big green eyes, they're soo unique, people are ALWAYS commenting on them and saying how pretty she is. Now the thing is, she's so self obssessed, she KNOWS she's pretty and always tries to bring others down, making fun of the way they look. Once, we got a photo taken together and when she saw it, she started laughing at me in the photo. Why do people like that get given beauty when they're gonna treat others like that?It's so unfair, how come some people are born with natural beauty, but people like me are butt ugly?
I hate the way I look too...I hate taking pictures too!!! honestly people tell me I'm pretty but most of the time I'm insecure with myself. I think it just depends on your genes I guess. At least you have a thin nose...I have a wide flat nose and I hate it!!! you got good teeth....ha I don't I've been wanting to get braces for years. I hate my eyebrows, my eyelashes, my stretchmarks, my extra fat lol I could go on and on with the list...but honestly I would rather have a nice friend even if she or he is ugly rather than a mean rude pretty one. Like I know this guy he's a big nerd and at first I was like uughhh why is he trying talk to me? but then I just started talking to him and he's one of the few people I can tell things too without the worry of being juddged or gossiped about.It's so unfair, how come some people are born with natural beauty, but people like me are butt ugly?
Just so you know, a lot of people think they're butt ugly, simply because people look at themselves differently than they look at others. I'm sure you don't appear as ugly to others as you appear to yourself.

People don't take advantage of others because they're ugly, they take advantage of others because they're easy to take advantage of. If you don't want to do something for someone, you say, ';No, I'm not doing that.'; If you keep doing stuff for people that they really should be doing for themselves, they're going to keep milking that, because they know it works. Whether or not you're easy to take advantage of has nothing to do with looks. That's something you create for yourself based on your actions.

Some people are more aesthetically pleasing that others, yes, but that doesn't mean they're any better than anyone else. So just because you're not pretty doesn't mean you're not amazing. Everyone has something special about them, some place where their talent lies. You may not have found your particular niche yet, but it exists.

And if someone calls you ugly? They're the one with the problem. That's *incredibly* rude.
i actually have the opposite problem than you...i think.

i'm always being called beautiful or gorgeous or hot.

you might think i'd be conceited, but i'm actually pretty insecure.

i know usually girls envy ';beautiful girls';, but for me, beauty is a curse.

the first thing people notice about me is my looks, so i'm constantly

afraid that when i meet new people that they think i'm just a ';pretty face';.

or that people will be too intimidated to even talk to me.

i'm from Ukraine, and i lived there until i was eleven.

while i lived there, i was kidnapped once, and almost kidnapped 2 or 3 times.

it's disgusting what people will do just because they think you're beautiful.

i hate people always thinking i'm pretty, sometimes i just wish i could be average,

so i wouldn't have to deal with all that i go through every day.

:[ i'm jealous of you.
You think your ugly? I have no eyebrows or eyelashes. My hair is starting to fall out, I have bumps all over me along with a rash. This is what fighting for your life does to you. I bet your far from ugly, seriously. Enjoy you life.
You are only 15 you are going to be goofy looking. I think beauty just comes with age. Some people are lucky though and get it right from the start.
Natural selection.
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  • How do you handle conflict at work?

    Since finishing college last year, I've been in retail and similar jobs (office setting now). I think I am a good communicator and effective at the work I do- it is not skilled work. Co-workers seem extremely critical of me, and they seem to have a lot of time to find many faults with my work. People go out of their way to make me look bad.

    I have a lot of experience in this area, as it is the same thing I did while I was in college and high school- just different places...however I have always been viewed as very friendly up until now.

    Please help me understand how I will deal with this for the rest of my working life.How do you handle conflict at work?
    1 - No matter where you work, there are always people like the one's you are talking about.

    2 - Just do your job to the best of your ability and try to ignore these people.

    3 - If things get too bad, go to your Supervisor and if they can't/won't help, then go to the HR dept.

    *****************************How do you handle conflict at work?
    do the same to them

    Eye for an eye that's how people learn

    But you're better off confronting them in the moment later on
    Talk to your HR person or supervisor.
    I don't know if this is applicable to you are not, but perhaps is food for thought. Perhaps it is you that has changed given that you have since graduated from college. You have stated that your job is ';unskilled'; work and it may be that you are putting out there that you are ';above'; this line of work given that you now have a college education. If you have always been viewed as friendly until now, it sounds as if something has happened with you. Conversely, perhaps they are intimidated by your education--but again, that is something that has to do with how you may be presenting yourself.

    I have learned in my life that when things suddenly change, the answer usually rests within. Good luck finding the answer.

    What do you tell people who just do not understand that you don't have as much time to do things as they do?

    I'm a really busy person and I like to do well in school. I'm on scholarship, and I will only remain on scholarship as long as I keep up my grades. My problem is that I have friends and family that just do not understand. They keep asking me to drop my studying for ';just a couple of hours'; and hang out with them. I can't. If I do it once for one person, everyone else is going to bother me until I give in again. And I don't even have the time to do it once. I'm so sick of people bothering me. I don't want to alienate anyone, but it might be the only way to get out of this. It's actually really depressing, because the more they bother me, the worse I feel and then I'm concentrating on how horrible I feel instead of concentrating on my work. People have told me to relax and do yoga, but I do not have the time. I just don't. I have a really heavy course load and I'm just going to have to tough it out for now, but I just wish people would understand. I have tried to explain, more than once, to everyone. Everyone seems to have all the time in the world, and I don't. I don't even know why I'm writing this anymore. Maybe I just need to vent. Please comment..What do you tell people who just do not understand that you don't have as much time to do things as they do?
    I had a similar problem. Not being very gifted in any way meant that I had to work harder than some others. I didn't have wealthy parents either. Most of the people I studied with seemed to have all of the advantages that I lacked and my parents wanted to see me too.

    In the end I made a calender that listed every day of the month and what I was doing, There were study hours, exercise hours, study hours, friends hours, study hours and family hours. Doing it this way helped me avoid being some kind of recluse, I only lost contact with friends I didn't really need and my family would have dates to work with and plan for. It helped all of the people I cared for and who cared for me and it helped me keep a balance that was acceptable (maybe reluctantly) to all. I did OK, and got a good position, and have the same friends and didn't lose my family. You can do it too!What do you tell people who just do not understand that you don't have as much time to do things as they do?
    all u can do is explain it, but u need not repeat yourseldf. if they dont understand, then that's THEIR loss

    For people that work in a hospitals or clinics?

    What is the title of people that clean in the hospital or clinic?How much do they make?Do they have to have any kind of bio-hazard/osha training?

    I currently work for a janitorial service but am unhappy with the instability of it.I do not have set hours and the client list is ever changing.For people that work in a hospitals or clinics?
    That Job would be most likely be Hospital Janitorial services...
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  • Getting Headset to work?

    Ok, my mic was working fine in vent but then I think some things got changed around and it stopped working. People can hear me threw my mic, but I cannot hear them threw my heaset. And yes my volume is turned all the way up. I can mess around with the output settings and get the voices to play threw my speakers, but I want it threw my headset. It seems like no matter which combination of settings I try it dosent work. Help?

    I also tried running as adminstrator. That did not fix the problem

    Question: Im on vista, and when I click the little volume icon in the bottom right hand corner I dont see my headset under playback devices, and Ive been told that mite be the problem. I see it under recording devices however, so my computer obviously can see it. How do I fix this problem? Thank you.Getting Headset to work?
    it seems to be a hardware failure.

    seems you got to replace the whole thing.

    or if your good with soldering you could just replace the ear piece.

    but before you buy a new headset or try to repair them, did you properly check the connections?

    Is the wires to the headset tangled? if so try untangling them maybe the wires (the copper inside the wire) might be damaged.

    How can liberals or conservatives begin to pass a health care plan that meets the needs of millions of people?

    As a covered American with a minimal fee for prescriptions and a yearly deductible of under $1000.00 my care is not in question .

    As a former government employee I have the best of care , prior military service and then working for a government sub-contractor making 6 figures annually my family is well covered .

    My neighbor is a local plumbing contractor who is paying well over $10,000. per family for similar care .

    We discussed why this is and decided that my costs are paid with taxes and his are paid by fee's charged for services to the local community .

    We came to the conclusion that those least able to afford health care are working people earning low wages who often wait longer to seek care because of the expense they would pay with high deductibles designed to keep insurance costs down .

    So how do we address the needs of the many while 1/3 of the work force are government employee's such as teachers at all levels , police at all levels and defence department workers , as well as local government all have excellent coverage ,while millions of working people making coffee , digging ditches and providing services we all enjoy like flipping burgers and cleaning hotel rooms all languish in poverty , paid low wages and benefits making them a burden on government ?????????????

    Since we need or want these services , then how do we justify such wages that do not allow ordinary working people to earn enough to

    pay for their needs and care .

    in apartments or shared living conditions as a result of low wages , socialism is born and then who is to blame . Conservatives who like to profit from the working class or the working class who demand equal treatment ????How can liberals or conservatives begin to pass a health care plan that meets the needs of millions of people?
    I'm in the same place you are --- with adequate health care.

    But some of my friends are not. And what they have chosen to do until something shakes out in some government program is to take out catastrophic health care... i.e., that they can handle the first $5000 or so per year, and it will kick in after that. The problem of course is to find a company who has a contract that you can read and understand!!!!! (the fine print, you know???)

    One commentator on PBS Newshour last week stated that these health care contracts are written at grade 23 in language. That rather eliminates a run of the mill high school graduate with simple, and average command of this language. Unfair. And these people think they have coverage, and do not.

    In case it hasn't dawned upon you, this is no constitutional republic, as the conservatives would have you believe. This is a capitalist oligarchy, in ever sense of the word.... the means of production held by the few. Robber Barons, just like in the 1880's. (But that's another issue.)

    And I'd suggest to you that socialized medicine is at every level already in this country---just not for many of our citizens... military, government, my school program, all senators, Medicare. and they work perfectly fine. Problem is that for profit insurance companies are just that....';for profit';..and somehow the radical right wingers have made sure that it just will scare the socks off of any American dumb enough to listen... and they are indeed dumb. We haven't given kids in public schools a decent education in two generations................

    And you have no idea the waste, I promise. My ex was an MD. He got a kickback for every script he wrote for Vioxx, Zelnorm Welbutrin, and any other new drug a company was trying to market... and there were dozens, and dozens of them !!!!! (and he wrote a lot of them) and we had dinners paid for by the drug companies in which we had any wine we wished, and could bring another couple.

    Drug reps showed up two to four times a week with lunch for his entire office....4 docs and 10 office workers. Tell me what carry out for 14 people would cost??? And it is perfectly legal... under advertising expenses.

    As well, gallons of blood was drawn multitudes of times and sent to a lab he and others had financial interests in... waste, waste waste, and $$$$ in his pocket...

    Other countries have socialized medicine. In Italy, for example, the programs are tiered..... if you were a citizen, with a job, you were in one category, and an injured tourist, you were in another.

    We have all been soooo hammered that a socialistic system is a bad thing... news. It isn't. We have socialized Fire departments, Socialized Police, Socialized roads for everyone, socialized school systems where taxes pay for schools whether you have a kid in one or now..........we all pay into it these with our taxes, and we all benefit.

    And if you didn't know, 25% of all bankruptcies are caused by medical debt.

    This isn't to say that medical care is free... Medicare isn't cheap, and there are ';donut holes'; in the drug plans where the patient is responsible for all the med costs until a certain yearly amount is met, and then the program again kicks in.

    It isn't perfect, but it is far better than what a senior could get out there in the ';for profit'; industry.

    As an interesting example. Approx 15 years ago, 3 people in my district came down with expensive life threatening cancers. (read $$$$ out of the company's income.)

    All of us were insured by Blue Cross at the time. At the end of that year, that company dropped our district!!!!!!

    All above is true, hon, I promise.

    EDIT: Just as an observance, did you notice the truly poor spelling and sentence structure of your respondents? We even have a spell checker. And these poor folks are going to read a contract????? At grade 23 level? Doubtful. And as one of their teachers, I am soooooo sorry.How can liberals or conservatives begin to pass a health care plan that meets the needs of millions of people?
    Because 90% of the wealth is in the hands of the top 1%.

    Because the entire system is stupid and if designed properly could be easily affordable.

    Because we have to. If we keep going the way we are, we'll be destroyed by our own debt.
    they wont be able to even if it and lets pray it does not pass millions will not still be insured
    That's why we elect people.
    Simple - single-payer system, with premiums based upon income, and benefits that provide all with yearly exams, medications/procedures and coverage for catastrophic illness/injury
    What country are you from? We don't want to think this hard in America. It's easier just to pick a side and shout.

    No easy answers, thats for sure. But at least when theres a Democrat in the white house the subject gets brought up, instead of swept under the rug.
    if your conclusion is that the objective is 'equal treatment', then socialism is the only way -- outcomes for most are measurably equal even though economic growth and opportunity are squashed under the boots of the police.

    now, if you like to discuss ';fair'; and the rights of those who earn to spend as they see fit ... then we're talking about something different.
    1. there is NOTHING wrong with pursuing PROFITS... it is the SOLE reason we have world-leading research/development and techniques.

    2. ONLY A FOOL would opt to allow he Feds to run ANYTHING NEW after the way they've destroyed EVERYTHING else they have ever taken control over. That's just basic LOGIC and INTELLIGENCE.
    The people who caused the problem are not the ones to correct it. They just need to open up all markets to all insurance companies and competition will lower prices.

    Did you ever stop to think that if millions of jobs hadn't gone overseas and millions of foreigners weren't imported to take American jobs then Americans would have jobs that do provide insurance?

    There is medicaid for the poor.
    conservative can't help health care reform. The only truly new ideas [the right] has come up with in the last twenty years are (1) supply side economics, which is a way of redistributing the wealth upward toward those who already have more than they know what to do with, and (2) creationism, which is a parallel idea for redistributing ignorance out from its fundamentalist strongholds to those who know more than they need to.
    You will be able to keep your low cost healthcare - just like any other person with a Union or government (or other) job.

    People who are now paying $10,000 a year, like I was before I left the US for that reason, will be able to switch to public option if they so desire.

    BUT the newest Republican is to LIMIT severely the number and kind of people who can join - so basically we can already kiss that goodbye.
    so you are blaming conservatives for people who were never to intelligent in the first place. if they skipped school,did drugs,dropped out and never pursued a higher plateau in life it's our has to be one of the most ignorant facts of the day!
    They not only need health care, lets give them homes, cars, vacations, free food too. Just because someone needs something, is it the responsibility of the government to provide it?
    The fact of the matter is that wages are dependant on the economic value of the work performed.

    In effect: minimum skills = minimum wage.

    We cannot get any of those people out of poverty. The only people who can do this is themselves. In fact - providing them with free healthcare removes another incentitive for those people to improve themselves and gain marketible skills.

    Another issue is that the purpose of any subsidy is to increase the amount of something. Agricultural subsidies increase the amount of food produced. Educational subsidies increase the number of college graduates.

    An subsidising poverty produces more poor people.

    I have no problem with helping somebody get themselves out of poverty - but I demand that this be assistance for them to improve themselves, not just another handout.
    They can't. But it makes a great campaign promise.
    Easy, page 425 section E. of Obama Care plan. Read it.

    Working people! On average how much time do you play on the web while working?

    It's common I know this! but i wanted to pull this poll. and ask something else with it!

    if you do spend more then 2 hours a day at work don't doing work stuff! would you be willing to

    not play around and get y our job done to go home! so instead of the 8 hour work day you have a 6 hr work day or less%26gt;?

    if this is possible how many bosses do you think would go for this!

    hey boss i know the bottom line is getting xzy done! if i get that done can i leave or can i stay and play on the internet???

    so how about it? how much do you typical spend on the interent at work!

    me i'm going to say 2 hours plus!

    Working people! On average how much time do you play on the web while working?
    no, i have to goof off to take a break.... if i am all work, i'd be a burnt out basket case. hopping in to say yahoo 4 or 5 times a day for 10 minutes i think makes me more productive than working straight through and makes for fewer mistakes in workWorking people! On average how much time do you play on the web while working?
    none, except on my lunch break
    6 hours
    Haha. I'm at work right now.
    huh, no idea, i have to answer this then i'll get that report to you steve
    Not enough, but some days I'm on there the whole day.
    um well at school I play during business like right NOW lol.

    none,i do not have time

    If I switch to a deeper voice, do you think people would notice or mind?

    I have a naturally deep voice. And that how I speak when I am recording myself or over the phone, and with friends and family. But for some reason, when I meet new people or at work, I talk from a much higher pitch and mellow voice. I think sub-consciously I am afraid, that people might feel threatened if I talk in a booming deeper voice which I have, so I have developed a habit of speaking in a higher pitch mellow voice. But I want to break this habit, and talk in my natural deeper voice.

    Do you think people will notice a big change if I start talking like that and feel strange, and think I am faking? Especially at work, people are used to this higher pitch voice. So if I switch over to the deeper voice, do you think it will be okay, or feel strange?

    Thanks for all answers in advance!If I switch to a deeper voice, do you think people would notice or mind?
    Don't worry, nobody will be threatened by the natural tone of your voice. Just speak normally and don't fake it. The high pitched tone, I'm sure, has been noticed by all, so it's best if you relax and speak naturally, which is far less amusing than someone who purposely uses a false tone.

    If anyone takes note, just say ';Oh, i've had throat issues but I';m better now, thanks';If I switch to a deeper voice, do you think people would notice or mind?
    I think you worry too much! Lol but I think you should start switching over time. If they give you a funny look whilst your talking with a deeper voice, you could always just cough and talk normally again. I think it's highly unlikely people will notice though. :-)
    I do think people would notice (I don't think it would be a big deal though)... but whenever people get colds their voices get deeper... just pretend you have a cold and never switch it back. I bet they would forget. I know that's kind of weird advice.

    Do you think maybe you talk higher normally and your voice gets deeper when you record things? I've noticed men use a deeper voice when leaving messages and things like that.
    umm ....well i think..stick to the 1 which doesnt ';sound'; fake ..n yea i gues at first ppl might think u r pretending to speak so ..!!give ur deeper voice a try with family and friends and observe their reaction !!but at the end all tht matters is u should feel comfortable with d way u move on slowly, u will ultimatly get over this problm ...infact its not tht big deal u knw....ppl might find wierd at 1st but once thy get used to it ..thy r gonna b fine with it !!
    We would have to hear you, so we can give you an would have to record yourself.
    I noticed my bros voice is deeper when he's at work. But i never found it strange. I think people will notice for a sec at first %26amp; think ';huh.'; but that's only if they know you well, but they'll get used to it after a minute or so %26amp; won't think about the change. unless you keep going back %26amp; forth then that would be a bit of a mind-f**k

    How can all these people afford to miss work?

    With the economy in the tank, how can so many people miss work to go to the Michael Jackson memorial?

    Thank you for your time.How can all these people afford to miss work?
    not only miss work but also how do they pay their lodging,food,travel etc? I'm sure not all of them have the resources to miss work %26amp; the other expenses.It sure beats the heck out of me.How can all these people afford to miss work?
    ';I wouldn't say they've been missing it, Bob.'; - Office Space.

    Because of the economy - they are all unemployed, so they are not missing work. Also, many are taking sick days, vacation, skipping work, are students, or are simply off work.
    How can anyone afford to miss work when going to a funeral...
    Some people are huge fans and will go without even considering whether they can afford it or not. Where there's a will there's a way.
    How do protesters afford it ??

    You got me on that one, of life's many mysteries .

    R.I .P. but I need a full paycheck , thanks .
  • tdugaming troubles pc
  • How to deal with immature people at work?


    I work in a company where the employees don't have enough to do and are bored. Recently, I have learned that they were making fun of something that I said behind my back. I know I shouldn't take it personally but, it really pisses me off. Has anyone else had any experiences like this? If so, what have they done about it? (besides anything stupid like go postal) I think I will just end up ignoring it but, I'm curious about how other people have dealt with it.How to deal with immature people at work?
    Who hasn't gone through this? If you have enough in you, then I think you need to let these people know that you are aware they are talking behind your back and you don't appreciate that. It will go through your place of employment that you caught wind of it, but this will die down and the next time they will think twice about talking behind your back (since they were caught the first time). Don't let this go unnoticed.How to deal with immature people at work?
    Just ignore it, you have more of a life outside of work, dont give in to the drama at work its really not worth the headache.
    Talk to your manager. Make a report and If they don't stop call the police.

    u either ignore it, or confront it.

    theres really no other options.
    Ignore them as much as possible, but the only time that you should deal with is something that has to do with work and nothing else. However if something bothers that much pull your immediate supervisor aside or talk to someone over in HR about the problem. In a way you want to make points with your immediate supervisor or HR. Don't tell anyone that you are doing but keep a list of what people are doing and over time then present this list of what people are doing which usually tends to their demise from the company because their are screwing around and back stabbing people way too much.

    Had the same problem with the job that I was just at before being let go due to company wide lay offs.
    Just ignore's all you can do really. Or unless you're of the more bold type and when you know they are talking about you say, ';Gosh that was hilarious wasn't it! I can't even believe I said it'; I bet they'll stop then.

    Don't go to the those visits for raises and emergencies.
    I drop a ground up horse laxative in there coffee when they're not looking.
    either ignore it, or be immature back just to piss them off....and if all else fails, then hit them with a fish....
    have a sense of humor about it, Next time offer up some silly thing that you've done or said. Say, hey, this should be good for a few days laughter, the other day I did/said............... Then they know you are aware of what they are doing and not only does it not upset you, you think it's halarious! It just takes wind right out of the situation. They really are being immature, just don't let it show that you are pissed off no matter how much you want to climb a bell tower with an ak47!

    I HATE trying to impress people -- uhg is anyone else like this?

    Well the title says it all. Starting out as a kid I wasn't the type who would get good grades in order to try to impress mom and dad (like most kids) i mean at that age what does school mean to them anyways? So i would come home with C's and D's cuz i just didn't care what my parents though of it, and well what did school mean to me at that age, right? As i got older i got a job on the side of school.. and at work people would try so hard to impress the boss and their co-workers.. they would do extra work which gave them brownie points (a good thing)... but i was the opposite, i wouldn't do more or less of what was expected of me and i would do things my way (which somethings got me in sheit)... and occasionally i'd do a lil extra if i was in the mood... and well i prob was the least favorite to my boss and co-workers... now im in college and im doing nursing becasue I love helping people feel better in general... its my passion, BUT when I go do the practical part of nursing with patients i feel so out of place... its like i dont want to do it anymore. Its like im doing it only to impress my prof to get a good grade.... and for one i suck at faking just about anything. It just feels soo fake... i feel so out of place.. doing things like that. I just have this I dont give a **** mentality about how others view me as (which is said to be a good thing) but in the long run that mentality gets in the way of a lot of other things... such as just life in general (getting good grades, jobs, building relationships with others) I guess life's all about impressing others.. huh =\I HATE trying to impress people -- uhg is anyone else like this?
    You are making a mistake. You say you dont care what others think of you- but in reality you DO. You care so much that you are willing to make mistakes, blow it, and rebell.... against people who might in all actuality not even be thinking about you at all. And you seem to think that you are doing it for them. Arent you doing these things for yourself? Isnt any success you have for you and not for anybody else?

    My father used to have the worst possible table manners and he did it on purpose. Like sticking his fork with a melon on it in the sugar bowl that everybody uses, like chewing on chicken bones in a nice restaurant. And one day I realized that he wasnt putting on this show because he didnt care- but because he DID. He cared so much that he was giving everybody the ';**** you'; message.

    So you tell me: to rebell is normal for a teenager. Do you want to keep rebelling at 35? 45? 65?I HATE trying to impress people -- uhg is anyone else like this?
    i guess it is if you care so much about what others think. personally, i could care less. there are rumors about me going around in a couple different places, but i don't care. sure, i get angry, but i deal with it. believe me, if someone is going to think bad of you because of something stupid, you don't need to worry about what they think. be who you are. as long as you're not doing anything to hurt someone else or yourself.

    Going back to work after having a baby? I just started last week, and I don't know if I can take it!?

    My baby is 3 months old, and I had to go back to work last week. It was HORRIBLE. I just started at this new job, which is why I wouldn't want to lose it, but I don't know if I can stand being away from my baby for such long periods of time everyday. Plus, I breastfeed full-time, so I've also been getting used to pumping at work. Everytime I pump, I think of my baby and of how I should be there feeding him. I miss him and his smile sooooo much.

    Anyway, I was extremely depressed last week, thinking he would forget all about me and start to care more for those who take care of him during the daytime when I'm at work. People (including my mom) keep telling me that a baby will never forget his mommy, but I can't help but feel that I'm losing him. I don't want to miss out on anything, and I want him to always love me the most!!!

    How do I cope with my separation anxiety? Have any of you been through this, and how have your babies turned out??? Do they still love you the same?Going back to work after having a baby? I just started last week, and I don't know if I can take it!?
    I had to go back to work when my son was 2 months old. It was awful, and I fealt so guilty. Worst of all, I taught music classes to babies and their rich stay-at-home mommies. I plotted and plotted to figure out how to be a stay-at-home mom, but it wasn't a fincancial possibilty for me. I decided to teach public school, and it wasn't until there that a wise woman told me, ';It is not bad for your baby to know that other people love him.'; I made that my mantra for awhile, and know I know that it's true. I also have a little girl now (22 months old, my son is now 5 years) and I no longer feel guilty about work. I think it's good that my kids know that women are important in the work force, too. My kids are funny, and creative, and well-behaved. (But I'm sure everyone thinks that about their kids!) They have turned out just fine! And no one is more important to them then their Mommy. Even when they were tiny babies, they knew when mommy came home.

    PS. I'm so glad you are pumping. I did that also with both of my kids. Sitting in the closet during my lunch break was not the easiest thing, but it's one special thing I gave to my kids in their first year. And coming home and putting them right to the breast helped ease my guilt.

    Good luck, it will get better.Going back to work after having a baby? I just started last week, and I don't know if I can take it!?
    u only going to work.....that's it.

    Unless u going somewhere for 5 years, then yes,, he is not going to see u, but if u come back home from work, then he still see u every day.

    Stop going crazy, he is fine.

    U need to think about yourself sometimes, if u working it's not stopping u from thinking of him, just don't panic about it.

    U his mommy and he will love u forever!!!

    Stop that!!!
    is there any way at all that you would be able to financially cope without working? it sounds like you really need to be with your baby rght now, for both of you. and even if you cant, of course your baby will love you just as much! dont ever think that he wouldnt, and he will not forget you. good luck i really hope everything works out. x
    i wen back to work fulltime right around the same time as you, kind of same situation breastfeeding, pumping 3 times a day on all breaks at work, i missssed him soo much however my mom was caring for him thank god! that helped me not worry about seperation anxiety as went away for the most part although i have pictures of him on my desk and and sometimes i just gaze at them lost in space missing him soooo much...... but i call my mom on breaks she puts the phone on speaker and i talk to him... and spend alot of time with him when i get home and on the weekends.. it will get better.. he is now 7 1/2 months old and i feel he still loves me bunches.. i always get a huge smile when he sees me.. when i go to pick him up!
    It really does get a little easier with time, and they still will love you the most and never forget you!

    I have 4 kids who are all teenagers and twenties now, but I worked with them all, and we've always had good relationships with each other . And I breastfed them all, and pumped at work, which is a hard thing to do, but so worth it if you can do it!

    Sometimes going to work can even be a break, and give you the mental rest to deal with the unbelievably hard, but rewarding, job of parenting. Your child will benefit from relationships with others, too.

    Best of luck to you.
    That is a very understandable intake after having a child. A lot of people go through that. Expecially if it's your first. I would continue to work. Eventually it will get better for you or if not, I would talk to your O.B. about it. Your baby is going to love you the same and may even love you more. If your gone all day and come home to your child after not seeing them all day, they're gonna be extactic to see you! Keep your head up hun things will get better!
    If you really need to work, don't let other people make you feel guilty. Of course there is a shock when you have to give up that all-day closeness with the new baby, but you will get used to it and the baby will love you just as much. If you are breastfeeding, the closeness will continue, in quality if not in quantity. You are not losing him, you are really doing this for him. Children have adored their working mothers for many many generations. He will turn out fine, and you will be an excellent role model for him.
    i think we all feel this way if we have to face this. when i went back to work i cried and cried too. i cried before i went back in anticipation. my son is 2 now (i also just had another and will be going back to work again in a month) and, trust me, he knows who i am. he has fun with the babysitter but he knows she's not his mom. and, yes, it does concern me that he cannot help but take a lot of influence from her since he spends a lot of time with her. that's why it is important to communicate your expectations and desires that you have to the person caring for your child. let me tell you, as my son got older and more interactive with people, he would do things like, get really excited and dance around when i got home from work. he gives me hugs and kisses all the time. and knowing that he does have fun with the sitter makes me feel better that he's not upset missing me all day. i don't want that, even though i miss him. he and i definitely have a special bond. he's truly a momma's boy, even though i work. it still upsets me. i still wish (and always will) that i could stay home and if we could figure out a way to do that, i know my husband would support that in a heartbeat. but it does get easier and he won't forget you.
    I have a 4month old and i work as well. Its definitely hard to work because you think your going to miss out on stuff and there going to forget you but it wont's how i know he wont forget you.when i get home from work and shes sleeping as soon as she hears my voice she wakes up.and when shes crying and know one can get her to stop and when i hold her she always does.wait till this happens to you then you'll,you want your baby to be around others. you don't want your baby to be not able to cope with out you that will be a lot harder to deal with.
    You are obviously not happy with going back to work. Quit your job and stay at home with the baby. The most valuable thing you can give your child is yourself. And yes, you don't want to miss all the firsts! Stay at home at least until your baby is a year old. It might be easier for you to go back to work then. I have a 3 month old baby girl and I couldn't imagine being away from her for that long every day. Do what feels right to you.
    It will take some time to get used to the fact that u have to be away, but he will not love you any less...and he will always know his Mommy by smell, and touch no one will make him feel as happy as Mommy, don't worry you'll be ok..its tough at first but you will be that much better with him when you're with him...because you will know the sacrifices you are making for him to have a better life, not everyone is afforded the luxury of being a stay at home Mom, don't listen to some of these posts telling u to just stay home..nobody knows your financial situation but you. Also there are soo many stay at home Moms that don't appreciate the fact that they can do that and always complain about their kids...makes me sick..especially because like you I would love to b able to be there 24/7....but it will get easier don't worry

    People who have a side business and moonlight: How do you work with your clients off hours?

    This is directed at people that work full time during the day, but then run a business and do moonlighting. How do you manage the relationship with your clients when core business hours are during times you are unavailable due to your other job? How do you 'get requirements' from them and so forth? How do you approach business to say, I can help you but not during typical business hours? How receptive are they to that?People who have a side business and moonlight: How do you work with your clients off hours?
    You can go to and get a local phone number and record a brief message stating the times that you will be calling people back, such as, ';Hi, you've reached ______. I am unable to accept your call at this time, but know that it is extremely important to me. I will be returning calls M-F between Noon and 1PM (or your lunch break) and again later in the day (say between) 5PM and 6PM or when you get off work. Also if possible you could utilize your cell phone or email for contact, for example you could say.... If this is urgent please feel free to page me at _______ (put your phone on vibrate) and call them as soon as you have a break, or email me at __________. I'm not saying this will be easy, but worth it if you can work it out. Hopefully, this biz will be replacing your income soon and you will be able to work it full time. Also, if you market all over the US, you could use time zones to assist. Like if you are on Eastern time, advertise in areas in Mountain and Pacific, which works because of the 1-2 hour time difference. Best Wishes :)People who have a side business and moonlight: How do you work with your clients off hours?
    Well I have done this for a long time,but I will tell you it's not an easy thing to do. First thing is my boss knows that i do my own jobs on weekend's,and nights. And I never solicit his customers. That would be bad business.,not only do you risk losing your job but also the customer will think, if he's willing do that, what else would he do for a buck . In other words they wouldn't be able to trust you.

    As far as getting business, if your good at what you do word of mouth from friend's, family and people you meet on your own is your best avenue. Honesty is your best policy

    What are the newspaper people thinking?

    Hahaha!! Swine flu is out of control.

    Why do the newspapers write things to panic the world?? Its mental everyone thinks they have swine flu.. When there are things like the common summer tummy bugs and colds. but no1 is thinking that anymore there just assuming they have swine flu..

    Even i am going to admit that yes i woke up feeling rubbish today and thought sh** i have flu. but it turned out to be hayfever.

    Its just quite funny the panic that people are having..

    What will the goverment do if the panic gets to much and people get out of hand.. because its got to of happened before. People overly panic and start skiving of work people panicing in the streets when someone sneezes.

    Its mental.... I'm just quite upset about how the papers and goverment are dealing with it. They haven't even told us whats really going on instead they will send every house a leaflet.. F**king Tw**s sorry!!What are the newspaper people thinking?
    I think yhey are using it as a distraction to take the eye off the economy or to bring in martial law in the states.

    Drink plenty of water for that hayfever and it wont bother you. Dont mind those tablets.What are the newspaper people thinking?
    ther just blowing it completely out of proportion to get a good story.
    The Press, not only Newspapers always go for sensational headlines. They exaggerate situations, which in turn panics people, but on the other hand, do we want to be kept in the dark about world events? We just need to listen and read the reports and make up our own mind.
    What makes you think they think...........
    I work in a pharmacy, and almost every other customer is asking about it.

    The media do like a good frenzy, dont they?

    We are selling out of anti-bacterial handwash, weve had to order triple stock in this week, which cant be all bad, maybe people will start being more hygenic!!!
    Yeah, they fail to mention in the same story that 500,000 people die every year world wide from the regular flu. Maybe the companies that make the anti-bacterial handwash is the one that started all of this.
    people on newspapers dont think..they draw the public in then ...let them out looking very stupid with a 2.50 top up voucher!!!
    As long as we can think for ourselves,what does it matter!?
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  • migrating existing portal
  • How do i connect with different people?

    I'm a sophomore girl in a very competitive (academically) school with a lot of with stuck up, rich, and shallow people. I'm average at about everything. I have good grades, I'm very approachable, I'm not a loser (but not popular either), and I'm cute. The problem is that I feel like I don't have any real friends who truly understand and accept me. Of course I have my usual group of close friends, but I feel so out of place when we're at school. Theyre so close to each other, and I'm not that close to anybody. I can't just randomly join a new group either because it's sooooo cliquey here! And i wouldn't want to leave my friends. Joining clubs does not work. People are unfriendly here. They don't care about you unless you're the most popular girl in school. I've been dying to move schools and start fresh. I've lately just been forcing myself into laughing with people, and pretending like I have an interest in what people say. The truth is, I hate my high school life even though I've been trying to think positive for many months now. I don't want to look back when i'm 30 and remember that i was the out of place girl, even though there was nothing wrong with me. My friends just don't consider me very fun because we're so different. They seem to just forget about me even when i'm there, and even when i'm trying to fit in with them. Other people at school generally don't try to make friends with me because they already have friends, so they feel like there's no need. I appear to be very close with my group, but I feel so distant from everybody. HELP. what can i do?

    Ive already tried to talk to my friends. They really just don't understand. I just want to get out of here and rush into the real world, like finding a career.How do i connect with different people?
    In HS there is always someone else like you. The loner, the one in the corner. Keep your eye out for them.

    or either you can just practice on remembering everyone's names. You have your freshman year book for guidance. Just go though it and remember the names to the faces. Then when your walkin down the hall you'll say ';Hi'; then walk on. Then you're the popular girl and everyone wants to be your friend. But they won't be your real friend, but you'll get to know everyone and hopefully you'll find someone to connect with.

    You need to find the diamond in the ruff.

    How can some people work and still manage to get really good grades?

    I really have wondered about that about some people when I was in High School. and some even were still in a sports team or some club. I have tried this, and I really felt it was too stressful, not only you had to do a lot of homework that the teachers assigned, but you also had to deal with work outside of school. I can do both things, but usually when I do this, I notice a sudden drop in my grades.

    I don't like that kind of pressure really. I would rather just do one or the other. School or work, but how do some people manage to pull that off?How can some people work and still manage to get really good grades?
    Everyone has a different learning style and a different learning curve. Some people don't need to study much to understand or memorize the material. Understanding the best way you learn is very important. Do you absorb the most knowledge from reading, listening, or doing.. or a combo of 2. If you learn well by listening but a digital recorded and record the class and you can listen to it while doing other things. I learn best by reading and I usually just read the notes instead of paying attention to class (although if the class gives a lot of notes find a friend who is a good note taker and willing to share notes).

    Also learn which homework is vital and which is not; which is checked for completeness and which is graded. Homework is there so the teacher knows you understand the material or it helps learning the material and I am not saying blow off all your homework, but if you can ace the test without homework... well....

    Unfortunately life is not fair and we are all made differently. Some are naturally smart, some excel at sports and some both or neither. You may just have to sacrifice something (such as part of your social life) if you want to do sports and school...

    .How can some people work and still manage to get really good grades?
    they're straight up g's.

    How can I deal with people that are upset or mad?

    You know sometimes, at your work, your boss or co-workers get upset for something. Because they are upset, they talk dry to you.

    In this kind of situation, I always get nervous. While other co workers don't worry. I shouldn't worry because we know we didn't anything wrong.

    And most of the time, my co workers or boss would say that ';hey I am so bad, sorry I am not cheerful person today'; or something. But when they upset around me, I just worry and I am so uncomfortable.

    The reason is because I never show my madness or angry face to other people. I was taught my parents that is very selfish and embarrassing to show your anger to others. I know when my dad and mom were mad, but when they talk to me, they were normal. They were able to control their feeling. So, I am the same way.

    SO, when people, who are mad, talk to me dry or cold way, I get so nervous. I start to worry what I have done. Is there anything I can do for this? I hate this because especially at work, people get upset all the time, and I shouldn't get affected by that. How can I deal with people that are upset or mad?
    Whole world is there before you what is it you can do being sensitive.One rule is there whatever one offers to the society get the same in turn.How can I deal with people that are upset or mad?
    Sorry, but I dont carre for the rubbish you wrote, but the best way to make people bearable is to avoid them. Thats how I do it.

    Why are a lot of religious people bitter toward Atheist?

    One thing I notice is that when Christians try to pick a debate it is

    always with ';Atheist'; or someone along the lines of that.

    When they are really the people they should least fight with,

    Atheist don't believe in any of the gods out there, and Christians

    do not believe is any of the gods out there, besides one. So besides

    one god we are really on common ground, but for some reason they

    would rather fight with an Atheist over a religions that want to kill them.

    It makes no scene to me, every free thinking comment you see always

    has like 10 thumbs down because it is something you do not believe in. Just because you personally do not believe in it, does not make it a bad idea. I guess some people feel guilty if they do not thumb it down due to their beliefs.

    Everything we know is specialism, we live on a tiny planet in a seemingly endless universe and for anyone (Religious and scientific community alike) to say that we know everything about how life and/or the universe works needs a reality check, that is fact.

    Regardless if you think studying a rock can tell us how the universe is made or if you believe all the answers of the universe fall in one small book, they are both very egotistical, Life is work people we will not find answers that easily.


    %26lt;3Why are a lot of religious people bitter toward Atheist?
    Why are Christians so afraid of people who simply do not believe in any god?!!!! Surely it can only be because they are so afraid that atheist are right and they are wrong or it would not bother them!!!!!!

    But there is a bitter proof that wounds them deeply!!

    Acceptance of a supernatural claim tends to promote cooperative social relationships. This communication demonstrates a willingness to accept, without skepticism, the influence of the speaker in a way similar to a child's acceptance of the influence of a parent. By encouraging this kind of behavior where the most intense social relationships occur it facilitates the lack of skepticism and deters more open minded thinking.

    They are christian because they were indoctrinated by their parents as very young children. They will go on to indoctrinate their own children and those will go on to indoctrinate their grandchildren!!

    They know that atheists had the intellect to escape the brainwashing and therefore know that christians are still slave to it!!Why are a lot of religious people bitter toward Atheist?
    People like to have others confirm and agree with their beliefs as it gives them confidence they are right.

    Christians view atheists as the exact opposite of that.
    Because we atheists are better looking than them.

    PEOPLE, what should I do about this situation?!?!?

    okay so my close friend and i have been working together for 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks, she and i have been texting everyday, flirting and hanging out and stuff.. i really like her and ive been pretty obvious that i like her.. she has been flirting back and showing some interest as well.. after the first 3 weeks, she breaks up with her BF of 3 years and then stops acting like that towards me as she did in the first 3 weeks. I stop flirting as well as i know shes emotional at the moment. 2 weeks after the break up we were hanging out with work people and she was all flirty again.. then the next day, a waiter at a restaurant asks for her number, she laughs it off but he then gives her HIS #, and she calls him. they text and call now and stuff and met up twice (just standing around and talking for 20 min each time).. she says hes really cute and all that stuff and talks to me about him a lot in my face.. I mean she prolly knows how i feel about her but shes doing this.. i ask her if she likes him and she says ';idk maybe, im just happy i have someone';... what is going on? is this guy a rebound? what should i do?

    thanks.PEOPLE, what should I do about this situation?!?!?
    Either she's testing you waiting for you to romantically sweep in and tell her how you feel; or she doesn't like you because when she was practically asking you to play hide and seek you bitched out and played mr cool. And hey if what ever you do doesn't work out, there's always internet porn until the next girl.PEOPLE, what should I do about this situation?!?!?
    If she called the waiter, it's because he showed interest in her by giving her his number. Have you tried telling her how you feel about her? Tell her, there's a chance she might not be interested in you for anything more than just friends, but you won't know until you ask. Tell her you'd like to take her out on a date. Try taking some flowers into work for her, just a simple inexpensive bouquet. She might not realize you've been serious all this time. Don't be hurt if she just wants to be friends. Good luck.
  • good myspace
  • How can we accomplish taking our country back, it's ours, not theirs, they work for us, we don't work for them?

    For years now I have been thinking, '; If every working, taxpaying citizen chose a day and stopped working,shopping,purchasing any thing with a tax on it on the same day. It might take two days or a whole week.. My point is, in 1 days, how much of our money is stolen from us in taxes. The revenue of all the working people in and of the US is a very large #. I realize we do have to pay for some things to keep maintained in this country, but this is robbery. Anyway, it would take alot, as many as possible to do this and get the govt attention. but I think it would work. We, as a working people are the very heart and backbone of this whole country... what am I missing? I know I am not the first person to think of this? And why won't everybody stick together, just one time, we will win, I know we would... All the people that would arrest us, would stand with us....How can we accomplish taking our country back, it's ours, not theirs, they work for us, we don't work for them?
    All we can do is vote them out. Especially Reid, Pelosi, and the others who are forcing this health care monstrosity down our throats. I already have insurance and hope to keep it. I feel sorry for the people who will be forced to buy health insurance even if they don't want to.How can we accomplish taking our country back, it's ours, not theirs, they work for us, we don't work for them?
    First and foremost - Vote. And that doesn't mean just national elections, that means getting out there and taking the time to vote in local and state elections.
    Because not every one thinks likes you or even have the same opinion. You can try and some several other people but I really doubt that the other 300 million Citizens are actually going to do it.

    If you do it. Then you might get fired for not working and you might starve since your not going to have money to buy food and survive.
    We have national holidays where people do not work. The government doesn't break down because of them. You are thinking like the government is a business. It isn't. The government does not rely on customers, the government imposes it's will on us. The government does not rely on a balanced budget, it does not care if it doesn't have the income to cover it's spending. So all sitting home from work one day will do is cost you a days pay.

    Assuming that the government did care about our tax income. And, assuming that your plan did cut into their funds, then the government would just raise taxes on us to make up for their losses.

    How Come lazy People get REWARDS?

    Me and my husband go out work hard, live paycheck to paycheck, but cannot get state assistant for food. My poor disabled mom cannot even get it, even tho she get a little disability check.

    However if me and my husband were to quit our jobs or have about 8 more children and collect them welfare checks ( o then we would quailfy because we are lazy bums who don't work. The only time I truly have been able to get help is by lying and that is sad. HARD WORKING people get no help, but lazy bums get it all. What is Wrong with our Country?How Come lazy People get REWARDS?
    You described our country's current situation perfectly. I don't know any people who are sitting on a big pile of money, taking trips to Europe, and not struggling paycheck to paycheck. I get so annoyed when people on the news say that there aren't people struggling to just make their bills - like they would know, making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year!

    What's sad, is that our government thinks everyone is doing just fine. That's why they set ridiculous limits on who qualifies for assistance (food, housing, etc.), student loans, tax breaks, disability/elderly benefits, etc. And, why they think that the checks they are mailing out in May/June will be going towards new big screen tvs (to keep the economy going) vs. where they will actually be going... to pay bills and set aside for an emergency.

    Have you noticed that at your work, the lazy people end up getting promotions? Or, they are at least ';buddy-buddy'; with the boss? That just seems to be the way our society has gotten.

    Hopefully, the economy will start turning around and we will all be better off - very soon! Stay true to who you are - continue working hard - your kids are watching everything you do, and you're the best example they have.

    Best Wishes!How Come lazy People get REWARDS?
    Because Life's a *****.
    put like that, this country has got it all wrong
    because that's the way our crazy world works but much like why do people treat ugly people like crap because their ugly like they made their self ugly just to piss you off but people who cool looking could get alot of love but are complete a holes
    Do I really need to say it? This is caused by LIBERALS! I too work my butt off at 16 hour shifts, but my lazy neighbor who is young and able-bodied sits at home on her butt all day and soaks the government dry. We all need a helping hand at times, but when these lazy sacs of crap live their entire lives this way it is so discouraging. Food stamps and medicare should be a temporary fix, not permanent.
    I totally agree with you.... we have to work hard to support people that want to be lazy. Lazy people get the handouts when they can %26amp; should work, but when hardworking people have something bad happen to them and need a little help nobody wants to help. Its 1 thing that is definately wrong with this country.
    let's work hard. I presume at a job that relies on a growing economy.

    the government gives money to poor people...they spend it...and help keep the economy people like you have a job.

    Sort of symbiotic
    I've been on welfare and i sure didn't feel like it was a free ride. they had my bank account info. so if i put money in or cash a check they would know and i would lose my benefits. i did lose them but all i ever got was covered health insurance and dental for one month. i was single, in college, and worked at chuck e. cheese. no food stamps, no free money. you can't buy a car or plasma TV with food stamps anyway. unemployment is a whole other subject. you know you only get 6 months unemployment. and most of the money from unemployment comes from the insurance your company pays for.

    people that work instead of collecting government hand out don't quit because it's not as sweet as it sounds. quit your job and lets hear from you in a few months. didn't think so.
    Been there. Long time ago when we were first starting out, husband worked long hours, labor, 6 days a week. I worked part time here and there. Couldnt get assistance...but yet....the laziest, scumbags can collect big checks each month PLUS get medical/dental insurance. We were penalized for actually working. Should we have been the ones to get assistance since we were trying to help ourselves? Youd think. The system is a mess. I dont know why but it makes me sick. When Clinton was president I believe he made welfare reform (?). Stopped some of the have-kids-to-collect-checks people from having kids to get checks each month from what I have read. Still needs more improvements. A$$ backwards is what it is:{
    Because someone has to take care of them, the rich wont do it, that leaves people like most of us that work our butts off to get by and it is infuriating to watch this happen, i am with you on this 100% They should get jobs.
    It isn't symbiotic, it's socialism when the government takes that money from the hard working to give it to the welfare leeches.

    Oh the poor little things can't be expected to bear any PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their miserable lives.

    Case in point: anyone in New Orleans that is still dependent on nanny government. If I hadn't hauled myself up by my bootstraps in almost THREE YEARS TIME, I deserve everything I don't get!
    There's a saying that goes like this '; it's not what you know but who you know' you know that your mom should get states assistance but until you know someone who can help you, you'll get nothing. this is the principle LAZY people live by.they reap rewards because they benefit from other people's hard work and achieved status.
    I can't help but wonder...does anyone actually know all these scumbags who are supposed to be on welfare etc? Cause it seems like there are a whole lot of them I've never seen...maybe its the stereotype talking.

    **I do not disagree that there is somebody somewhere taking advantage...but just because you didn't meet the qualifications (its not completely arbitrary) don't act like you didn't get aid because you were a hard worker.

    My fiance and I are in the same boat you guys are...we just don't make enough to cover rent, bills, debts, healthcare but can't get help. The problem is that wages are high enough to cover cost of living and that the rules for government programs don't factor that in. I've written letters to my state representatives about this disparity...maybe if you write too we can help make it better.

    PEOPLE, what should I do about this situation?!?!?

    okay so my close friend and i have been working together for 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks, she and i have been texting everyday, flirting and hanging out and stuff.. i really like her and ive been pretty obvious that i like her.. she has been flirting back and showing some interest as well.. after the first 3 weeks, she breaks up with her BF of 3 years and then stops acting like that towards me as she did in the first 3 weeks. I stop flirting as well as i know shes emotional at the moment. 2 weeks after the break up we were hanging out with work people and she was all flirty again.. then the next day, a waiter at a restaurant asks for her number, she laughs it off but he then gives her HIS #, and she calls him. they text and call now and stuff and met up twice (just standing around and talking for 20 min each time).. she says hes really cute and all that stuff and talks to me about him a lot in my face.. I mean she prolly knows how i feel about her but shes doing this.. i ask her if she likes him and she says ';idk maybe, im just happy i have someone';... what is going on? is this guy a rebound? what should i do?

    thanks.PEOPLE, what should I do about this situation?!?!?
    Its just my opinion she sees you as a friend...thats why she stopped flirting with you immediately after her break up,...................PEOPLE, what should I do about this situation?!?!?
    It seems like you are in the friend zone, pardner. Shes talking to you about guys she likes, and flirting with them in front of you.

    If you really like her, and believe she is just trying to make you jealous in order to prompt you to make a move, you should do that. Its just my opinion she sees you as a friend...thats why she stopped flirting with you immediately after her break up, when she could have made YOU the rebound guy.
    she may also be doing it to get your attention and express your feelings.

    only you can make that call.

    How many people work at top global warming establishment the Climate Research Unit?

    You may have heard of the CRU - The Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. The establishment there is custodian of one of the only original data sets for global temperature, even institutions like NASA GISS rely on.

    A vast amount of the science of global warming is based on the work carried out by the scientists at the CRU, so you probably imagine a large, busy establishment with hundreds of scientists and researchers working around the clock on this crucial issue.

    The reality, however, is rather different as an ongoing Parliamentary Inquiry into the Climategate scandal has just uncovered [QUOTE]

    ';';Next to [Dr Phil Jones of the CRU], holding a metaphorical hand, was Professor Edward Acton, his vice-chancellor, who interrupted at intervals to tell the committee what a splendid fellow Jones was and how his unit was doing magnificent work warning the world.

    Which made it all the more astonishing that it turns out that the unit has only three full-time members. Given the importance they claim, it's as if the British army consisted of half a dozen men and an officer.';';



    That's it. Not hundreds of top scientists with all the latest equipment. Three people run the institution on which so much of the science of man-made global warming emanates.

    But are you really that surprised at this revelation?

    .鈥?/a>How many people work at top global warming establishment the Climate Research Unit?
    Conspiracies are best kept to the minimum size in case a disgruntled member of the team leaks incriminating evidence to the media. They wouldn't want that happening - the kind of things Phil Jones has been been doing are so shameful, he'd probably be suicidal if they ever got out.

    Also it's habit - communist sleeper networks have always been organised into cells of three.How many people work at top global warming establishment the Climate Research Unit?
    %26lt;%26lt;But are you really that surprised at this revelation?%26gt;%26gt; no.

    how many folks does it require to maintain a computer database?

    one would hope that you're not thinking that they do all of the research that's maintained in the data base.
    Well, what do you expect? Specialized University departments are often quite small. Question, how many people work with John R. Christy and Roy Spencer at UAH to model the satellite temperature record?
    It's important to keep the staff small. Keep the possible leakers to a minimum.

    I've seen Phil Jones recently. He's looking pretty bad. Almost as if he's contemplated suicide. I wonder if he has. Hmmmm...
    None of the actually work or do anything except live off the government teat.
    Global warming is about greed. With only 3 people they get to keep all the research grants in their own pockets.
    No that does not surprise me.

    It only takes one person to start a myth anyway.

    It may take money to help spread the myth, enough to help brainwash the public and they certainly have had enough of our tax money to do just that!

    I love it!

    Hearing another nail being driven into the coffin, Aghhhh, music to my ears.

    Maybe there is still some justice in the world after all.

    And the fact that you were only trying to be helpful in your quoting and the way you changed 'him' to '[Dr Phil Jones of the CRU]' may not have been the proper way of handling the quote, (I am not an English major and don't know myself how I might have done it) does not change the issue in the least.

    If that is all they can come up with to try to somehow discredit you just shows how sad some of these true 'believers' really are.

    Keep hammering!
    3 'Academic Staff'

    +6 'Research Staff', +2 managers/directors, +11 postgraduate research assistants, +4 backroom staff, +11 associate fellows = 37 total, excluding the other 7 visiting fellows who appear to be UEA CRU based.

    They may also do work with Environmental Sciences which has 90 doctors and professors + pdra's + PhD students (one of the PhDs I looked at was climate modeling and was shared between this department %26amp; mathematics, rather than in CRU).

    Number of papers published by CRU in 2009 = 38

    Many of them with co-authors from different institutions:

    Number of googlescholar hits in physical %26amp; earth sciences only for 'climate change' in 2009 was over 20k. Here are the references for chapter 2 (out of 11) for working group I of the IPCC report. Find out the proportion provided by CRU if you want:鈥?/a>
    I'm guessing the list of 3 three official members does not include the frustrated '; I can just make it up so I have'; computer programmer.

    how much is 13 million pounds divided 3 ways?鈥?/a>

    if they had been willing to share, divided it 4 ways instead of 3 %26amp; included the frustrated programmer, cru's climategate might never have happened.

    How Do You Feel About People With Children Receiving More Benefits Than You?

    - Companies do holiday Adopt-A-Family for people With children. Yet a childless person isn't able to be adopted and may want gifts for Xmas also and can't afford them. Those parents need to teach their children that their are hard knocks in life rather than whining about not receiving presents at xmas.

    -Habitat for Humanity only builds for families. Yet there are many childless working people who can't find affordable housing or afford a house.

    -Children can also receive medical benefits from the government if their parents don't make enough, yet in most states childless people are not able to apply for medical benefits.

    -My stupid company actually gave a children's party for employees with children under 12. And the children received a better gift than the adults who work for the company.

    Oh, one family adopted for Xmas asked for the gifts to be held because they are taking a two-week vacation.

    It's no fair to responsible adults.How Do You Feel About People With Children Receiving More Benefits Than You?
    I feel the same way. People who cannot reproduce or have chosen not to should be compensated the same as people who have made the decision to have children. Maybe through taxes?

    It also goes beyond parties. Most jobs allow employees with children more flex time when leaving work, leaving early, staying home when school is cancelled. Etc.

    If the corporate world is going to treat everyone the same and fairly, they need to do so for people who don't have children and are single.How Do You Feel About People With Children Receiving More Benefits Than You?
    This is life. You can let it bother you and you will suffer, or you can say screw it. Nothing you can do to change it, so who cares?
    If you are a responsible adult then you don't have to worry about getting handouts from anyone.
    People with children actually pay alot more money than you for health and other benefits.

    Quit your whining.

    Eat Funyuns.
    its life. you can stress over it. or you can forget about it and just be happy.
    I understand your point, LIbra, but do you have any idea how expensive it is to have children? And, yes, these people made that decision, but, believe me, you are way ahead of them financially if you have only yourself to support.

    You sound kind of whiny when you talk about people with kids getting better gifts. And the ';no fair'; remark only makes you sound like a pouting little kid.
    Screw habitat, i would never give them squat

    It is all screwed up. I am totally sick of paying for someone Else's crotch-fruit. I tell them, I don't care about little Trevor saving his little league team from losing. I don't want that rotten stale candy your kid is selling to raise money. I'm working take your grand-kids pictures and flush them for all I care. And for God's sake don't even think of asking me to work for you cause little Kimmy has her school play. I don't have kids, don't want them and sure as hell don't care about yours. I smoke, drink and have a carbon footprint that will give Al Gore a stroke, do I care, no cause I'm not overpopulating the planet with mindless little rugrats from hell.
    Of course it's not fair to childless co-workers. I haven't taken a sick day in years, but by golly, those same people are taking bunches of time because their little darlings have the sniffles.

    My child is now 28, but I never took a day off when he was sick. Coughed up the huge fee to take him to a special day care center for sick kids so I could go to work.

    I park in the prego spots at the grocery store %26amp; malls. Pregnancy and children are not an illness - I hauled water out of a well (another story altogether) until the day before my child was born.

    Part of being an adult is learning to accept some things are ';no fair';.
    You can choose not to participate. Adopting a family at Christmas is centered on children...not childless people...because we build up Christmas and Santa for the kids. As for children receiving medical benefits from the government, my kid gets assistance and she is healthy...yet, I'm not healthy and my benefits have been cut (now that I have medical expenses I can't afford). Your company having a party for kids is keeping with the season...sorry they thought more about the kids then the grown folks. As for the family that is taking a vacation and want's gifts held, I'd hold them long enough to carry over to a more needy family.

    Merry Christmas.
    I do agree. I resented all the dang baby showers I shelled out money for and no one remembered my birthday! So, I stopped that nonsense and only went to the first shower of someone I knew well.

    The office party for children 12 and under is bad, that also left out teens. It is not the companies duty to deal with the kids, they are to care for their employees. Having said that, do many of the employees have financial worries? Then it may make sense the company wanted to help--but give the money to the parents!

    There is definately maritalizm in our culture, leaving out singles. We just need to be more vocal about it, I know I am.
    yeah, its uncool. As it is, being single is hard enough. I hate it during tax season when families get 10grand back in refunds just becasue they have 20 kids and i make the most and get 2grand. But it evens out at times I guess because they have alot more spending to do than I do. Course the whole idea of staying single was to enjoy my money and the benefits of being single but you are right, they get better treatment.

    now in the holidays, I used to be forced to work so that some dude could spend the day with their family..totally unfair! I used to quit on them all the time..that showed them!
    Heard the old adage ';Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.';

    The problem with giving children and people in general all these gifts is that they come to expect them, not considering working to better themselves to earn them themselves.

    Where is the incentive? If we keep giving handouts to those who have the exact same opportunities that we have, why should they do anything other than demand more?

    Its a sad, sad world that we are in today.

    I heard it said that Oprah, when asked why she chose to give to African children instead of American children said that needy American children asked for IPODS. Needy African children asked for shoes.

    Let's help the ';underprivileged'; by realizing that with ambition and a little ingenuity, they can be the next Bill Gates.

    I think more than anything we do them a disservice by teaching them to depend on others.
    Im sorry but christmas is more for kids than adults. imagne you being a kid and on christmas day you dont get no presents. quit whining. there is help for people that cant afford thier rent if they quialfy for it
    Tour correct it's not fair. But who said life was fair. I think some folks in the U.S.S.R. held a little experiment on treating everyone the same. As I hear it from friends who lived there it was not so great. People reach out to kids during the Holidays because the can not help themselves. Hard for a 6 year old to get a job so he can get a present. As for the folks that said hold our gifts till after vacation, do you have the full story?

    Now put your ';they treat them better'; whiny attitude back where it belongs and see that true Joy is not what I got, but how can I make others feel better.
    it seems really selfish to be jealous of kids receiving government assistance. i doubt needy children grow up to be ungrateful adults. if you want to be jealous of someone, be jealous of the greedy and filthy rich that give nothing back to their communities or those in need, some of whom have done nothing to deserve or earn their good fortune (like the spoiled billionaire heiresses or heirs to daddy and mommies fortunes).

    i hope you have a good Christmas, and remember what things you have to be thankful for.
    Children are completely dependent on their parents. You cannot compare a child's need to an adult's need. As a parent, yes, you should teach your child about the ';hard knocks'; in life, but heck, you don't want them to go through it if you can help it. Children cannot go work full-time for health benefits. And unless they are rich, they also cannot go out and purchase their own gifts. Personally, I would rather see an adult living on the streets than a child - so yes, Habitat for Humanities should build for families. Why are you so upset about it and what's up with the ';it's not fair to 'responsible' adults'; comment? Are you saying that only irresponsible adults have children? It sounds like you are jealous of the kids because they received better gifts than you received.
    If you were a ';responsible adult';, you won't be crying, because kids are getting more than you are. Adult who can't manage by themselves, have their own faults. But imagine, trying to survive with your salary/pay. while raising 2 kids, going to the doctor every time they're sick to assure that they won't die from their illness, feeding that growing human. Paying extra utilities, to comfort them, and then try being the best parent you can, while having to work all day, being away from the greatest thing you ever got, just so you can assure that they will grow up, healthy and happy.

    Basically, your not a Responsible adult, your a spoiled child, upset that you can't get a hand out, when you don't need it.

    You'll remember this, if %26amp; when you have kids, and you'll be looking for a little help, to assure your the best parent you can be.

    If you need a little convincing, go to the store, and look @ formula for babys. Those run about $15 a can, you'll need at least one a week, and then look @ diapers, and see how much those run. Then Maybe you'll understand why doing somethin for people with kids makes a little more sense.

    Life is not fair; but there are countless things besides gifts or benefits for which one can be thankful. Suppose you had to pay or wait in line to view the beauty of the earth.Thank God that the rain falls on the just and the unjust. Sunshine is for all; and there is no bill. Fresh breezes are still free. Have you viewed a sunrise or sunset lately?We receive so many benefits but we fail to take the time to appreciate them because the world is so materialistic. Everything seems to be money,money,money.People want to receive and they forget the maxim that it is more blessed to give. Anyone who wants to receive benefits designated for those with children can foster or adopt so that they will not be 'deprived' when it is time to benefit from them. I am childless but I do not bemoan that fact.Some of the material things in life I cannot afford; but I do give of my time and myself so that others may see life as a gift and appreciate the beauty of the earth.
    Are you really that jealous of some kids gettin better gifts than you? It's the Christmas season. It's not always about yourself. Furthermore, You could start your own aopt an adult program if you feel so adamant about it. Start doing things for others and see what happens.
    Bringing up children actually cost a lot.

    Medical bills, school fees, tuition fees, food, books, clothing (children grow fast), etc etc.

    I guess you're without children, thats why you don't get the misery.
    It's life :) it;s how it is :)

    Why does Britain allow people to immigrate into GB who openly HATE England and only want the free money?

    It makes me sick. They want free money, free homes, free health care, free EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

    When you talk to them in the street they keep going on about how evil the country is and yet benefit off the backs of the tax payers..

    The questionnaire should read:

    1) Do you Love England?

    2) Are you willing to work?

    If you answer ';NO'; to the above.... You are now a citizen, Welcome to Great Britain.

    I Live in America and I would say almost all of our immigrants truly love this country. (With an exception of a small few) They are hard working people who actually contribute to our society and to our culture.

    The immigrants in England are horrible because they go there knowing that they will get a free ride and the government will let them get away with it.

    Hell, British culture is even suppressed in the schools in favor of other cultures under the guise of tolerance. My wife is British and she was not allowed to be a christian in school but had Hinduism shoved down her throat. Nothing wrong with learning other cultures and religions because it makes us grow as a people. But to have your OWN culture and religion suppressed because it might offend OTHER people? Why are the British becoming second class citizens in their own country?Why does Britain allow people to immigrate into GB who openly HATE England and only want the free money?
    Same as in the US. It's a move toward one-Party government.

    That's why the illustrious Obama and the Polosi gang don't have time to address the issue of the invasion on our southern border.Why does Britain allow people to immigrate into GB who openly HATE England and only want the free money?
    Same here in the U.S. We allow any AntiAmerican to enter the u.s. and right away get free housing, healthcare, and FREE everything. AND they don't even have to be legal!
    Because Labour wants more voters for them, and they LOVE lazy muslims.
    they don't hate England they just hate the people that live there, they would love to take over the land and get rid of the natives, this is how Humans have behaved for thousands of years